July 2017 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Jul 3 07:33:35 MDT 2017
Ending: Mon Jul 31 07:42:37 MDT 2017
Messages: 38
- CEDAR email: 2017 AGU session SA004: Monitoring Geospace Variations Through Remote Sensing
Zhang, Yongliang
- CEDAR email: AGU Fall 2017 Session: Assessment of Space Environment Models and Data: Validation Metrics, Frameworks, and Applications - Panel Format
Jeff Klenzing
- CEDAR email: AGU Fall 2017 Session: Geomagnetic Storms, Substorms, and Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams: Towards a Synthesis of Observations, Theory, and Modeling in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere (M-I-T) Coupling (SA014)
Mike Ruohoniemi
- CEDAR email: AGU Fall 2017 Session: Geospace Research from Polar Environments (SM025)
Andrew Gerrard
- CEDAR email: AGU Fall 2017 Session: Past, Present and Future of Active Experiments in Space (SM005)
Delzanno, Gian Luca
- CEDAR email: AGU Fall 2017 Session: Physical processes underlying electron density irregularities in the middle latitude F region
- CEDAR email: AGU Fall Meeting SA016: Dynamics and Coupling Processes of the Ionosphere and Thermosphere at Middle and Low Latitudes
- CEDAR email: AGU Fall Meeting Session A093: Satellite Limb Sounding of the Earth’s Atmosphere
- CEDAR email: AGU Fall Meeting Session P030: Planetary rings, meteoroid and dust populations and effects
Nicolas Lee
- CEDAR email: AGU Fall Meeting Session SA 010 "Ion Upflow/Outflow Physics and Their Effects on the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System"
Shasha Zou
- CEDAR email: AGU Fall Meeting Session SA015: Dynamic Interactions Between the thermosphere and Ionosphere
Wenbin Wang
- CEDAR email: AGU Fall Meeting Session SA018: Longitudinal Variability of Equatorial Electrodynamics, Ionospheric Irregularities, and Ambient Electron Density
Endawoke Yizengaw
- CEDAR email: AGU Fall Meeting Session SA018: Longitudinal Variability of Equatorial Electrodynamics, Ionospheric Irregularities, and Ambient Electron Density
Endawoke Yizengaw
- CEDAR email: AGU session on MIT dynamic coupling and energy transport
Verkhoglyadova, Olga (335G)
- CEDAR email: AGU session on Space Weather Research and Applications
Eric Sutton
- CEDAR email: AGU session on storm-time geospace (SM018)
Viacheslav G. Merkin
- CEDAR email: AGU session SA07: Solar Eclipse Effects on the Upper Atmosphere
Shun-Rong Zhang
- CEDAR email: AGU Session SH011: Solar Radiative Variability: From Minutes to Millennia. The Sun’s Influence on the Earth’s Space Environment, Atmosphere, and Climate
Martin Snow
- CEDAR email: AGU session: Applications of Space Weather Research
Eric Sutton
- CEDAR email: AGU Session: Ionospheric and Atmospheric Responses to Earth's Surface Disturbances
Meng, Xing (335G)
- CEDAR email: AGU session: Large and Small Scale Drivers and Responses in the IT System
Astrid Maute
- CEDAR email: AGU Session: SA006 - RF Ionospheric Modification
Eliana Nossa Gonzalez
- CEDAR email: AGU session: Visions of Future Innovation Across Space Physics and Aeronomy
Semeter, Joshua L
- CEDAR email: Call for Abstracts: AGU Fall 2017 Meeting Session SH003: Solar Cycle 24 Prediction Retrospective
Pesnell, W. Dean (GSFC-6710)
- CEDAR email: Call for Letters of Application for Membership on NASA’s Science and Technology Definition Team for the Geospace Dynamics Constellation mission
Leisner, Jared S. (HQ-DJ000)
- CEDAR email: CALL FOR PAPERS DUE AUGUST 1: AMS Space Weather Conference 7-11 January, 2018, Austin, Texas
Robert Robinson
- CEDAR email: CDF data of the PWING project are available from the ERG Science Center
- CEDAR email: Dear Colleague Letter: Removal of Target Dates for Geospace Science Programs
Wiltberger, Michael J
- CEDAR email: DRIVE Science Centers RFI NNH17ZDA008L
Kozyra, Janet (HQ-DJ000)[NASA IPA]
- CEDAR email: Exciting AGU session announcement - Frontier solar-terrestrial science enabled by the combination of data-driven techniques and physics-based understanding
Mcgranaghan, Ryan (335G-Affiliate)
- CEDAR email: FW: DoD Program Announcement for I-Corps
- CEDAR email: Fwd: Participate in the 2018 Forums for New Leaders in Space Science
Maura Hagan
- CEDAR email: ISAR-5 Calls for abstract and registration (G7) Geospace (January 15-18, 2018, Tokyo, Japan)
Yasunobu Ogawa
- CEDAR email: Luxembourg: research and professional development opportunities from abroad
Astrid Maute
- CEDAR email: Space plasma postdoctoral position opportunity (France)
Pierre HENRI
- CEDAR email: Sprites session at Fall AGU 2017
Victor Pasko
- CEDAR email: update on proposed elimination of the USGS Geomagnetism Program
Finn, Carol
- CEDAR email: VarSITI Newsletter Vol.14
Last message date:
Mon Jul 31 07:42:37 MDT 2017
Archived on: Mon Jul 31 07:44:58 MDT 2017
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