CEDAR email: Luxembourg: research and professional development opportunities from abroad

Astrid Maute maute at ucar.edu
Mon Jul 31 07:42:37 MDT 2017

Dear colleagues,

The Luxembourg National Research Fund is offering research and professional
development opportunities for researchers from abroad.   Please
find specific information attached and below. Would you please share with
your networks? Thanks so much.

Sonia Ortega

*FNR ATTRACT Grants for future research leaders and FNR PEARL Chairs for
outstanding senior researchers*

The *Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR)* is pleased to announce its *FNR
ATTRACT* programme open to *future research leaders (levels R2-R3)* who
have an excellent track record and between two and eight years of
experience after their doctorate. The FNR ATTRACT grant offers them the
opportunity to set up their own research team within one of the country’s
research institutions in domains of strategic relevance. Candidates are
offered a *5-year grant of 1.5 – 2 million euros*, depending on their level
of seniority (FNR ATTRACT Starting or Consolidator Grants), plus a *tenure
track with in-built promotion*.

The *FNR PEARL* programme is Luxembourg’s research programme for
recognised senior researchers (level R4)*. Through the recruitment of
outstanding scientists in strategically important areas, the Luxembourg
National Research Fund (FNR) aims to accelerate the development and
strengthening of Luxembourg’s national research priorities. The FNR
PEARL research
programme gives researchers the opportunity to transfer their research
programme to a Luxembourgish public-sector research institution.

FNR PEARL offers up to *4 million euros funding over a 5-year period* and a
tenured research position at one of the research institution in Luxembourg.

Further information: https://www.fnr.lu/funding-instruments/pearl/

PEARL - FNR - Luxembourg National Research Fund


PROGRAMME SUMMARY. With the PEARL programme, the FNR offers Luxembourg
research institutions attractive funding to enable them to draw established
and internationally ...

The two schemes are exclusively targeting researchers from outside

FNR ATTRACT Grants and FNR PEARL Chairs must be submitted jointly by the
candidate and the host institution.

Applications by female scientists are particularly encouraged.

Further information: https://www.fnr.lu/funding-instruments/attract/

ATTRACT - FNR - Luxembourg National Research Fund


Funding instrument ATTRACT: Up to 2 MEUR grants for excellent researchers
from abroad to establish research groups in Luxembourg

Here is the twitter link:


Sonia Ortega, Ph.D.


NSF Europe-Eurasia Office

US Mission to the European Union

Boulevard du Regent 40

B-1000 Brussels, Belgium

Phone: 32 2 811 4349

Fax: 32 2 811 5004
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