CEDAR email: AGU Session SH011: Solar Radiative Variability: From Minutes to Millennia. The Sun’s Influence on the Earth’s Space Environment, Atmosphere, and Climate

Martin Snow Marty.Snow at lasp.colorado.edu
Thu Jul 20 08:42:47 MDT 2017

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to encourage you to consider submitting an abstract to the following session at the Fall AGU meeting:

SH011: Solar Radiative Variability: from minutes to millennia.  The Sun’s influence on the Earth’s space environment, atmosphere and climate.

Variability of the incoming solar irradiance and its effects on climate have received wide attention over the recent years. There is a continuous effort to reduce uncertainties in measurements of the total and spectral solar spectral irradiances, physical and empirical modelling have undergone considerable progress and novel statistical analyses have been employed. At the same time, numerical models and observations are extensively used to characterize the influence of the solar irradiance variability on climate. This session invites abstracts on measurements and models of solar spectral and total irradiance as well as abstracts on the atmospheric response to solar irradiance variability. Abstracts on comparison of atmospheric effects to different solar irradiance datasets are particularly welcome.

Martin Snow (CU/LASP)
Odele Coddington (CU/LASP)
Natalie Krivova (MPS)
William Ball (PMOD/WRC)

Martin Snow
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
University of Colorado

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