CEDAR email: AGU Fall 2017 Session: Physical processes underlying electron density irregularities in the middle latitude F region

곽영실 yskwak at kasi.re.kr
Thu Jul 20 23:11:53 MDT 2017

AGU Fall 2017 Session: Physical processes underlying electron density irregularities in the middle latitude F region
From: Hyosub Kil (Hyosub.Kil at jhuapl.edu), Young-Sil Kwak, Vladimir I Sotnikov, Tony C Kim

Dear colleagues,

We invite you to submit an abstract to the “SA017: Physical processes underlying electron density irregularities in the middle latitude F region” session at AGU Fall Meeting.

Session ID#: 25381
Session Title: SA017. Physical processes underlying electron density irregularities in the middle latitude F region
Session Viewer Link: https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm17/preliminaryview.cgi/Session25381
Session Description:
The creation of electron density irregularities in the middle latitude F region is explained in terms of complex physical processes including the E and F region coupling; dynamical and electrodynamical coupling of the ionosphere and thermosphere; gravity waves induced by the forcing from lower atmosphere and high latitudes; and plasma instabilities. This session aims at providing a comprehensive understanding on the characteristics, distribution, and source of the electron density irregularities in the middle latitude F region by synthesizing various ground-based and satellite-borne observations and assessing how well those observation results can be explained by currently known theories and models. The session welcomes the presentation of the review of observational results and underlying physical processes, numerical modeling results, and observations of sporadic E, medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances, atmospheric gravity waves, and field-aligned irregularities.

Primary Convener: Hyosub Kil, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States
Conveners: Young-Sil Kwak, KASI Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of (South), Vladimir I Sotnikov, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, United States and Tony C Kim, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Wright-Patterson, OH, United States

Deadline of abstract submission: August 2nd, 2017

Young-Sil Kwak, Ph.D.
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
776, Daedeok-Daero, Yuseong-gu
Daejeon, 34055, South Korea
E-mail: yskwak at kasi.re.kr, youngsilkwak at gmail.com
Tel: +82-42-865-2039 Fax:+82-42-865-3272
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