CEDAR email: AGU Fall 2017 Session: Geomagnetic Storms, Substorms, and Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams: Towards a Synthesis of Observations, Theory, and Modeling in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere (M-I-T) Coupling (SA014)

Mike Ruohoniemi mikeruo at vt.edu
Tue Jul 18 14:45:43 MDT 2017

Dear Colleagues,

With one week to go for early abstract submission and two weeks to the
submission deadline of Aug.2 , we encourage you to submit an abstract to
our SAPS-focused session at the 2017 AGU Fall Meeting in New Orleans (Dec.
11-15, 2017). Please contact a convener with any questions.

Session ID: 27455
*Session Title: SA014. Geomagnetic Storms, Substorms, and Sub-Auroral
Polarization Streams: Towards a Synthesis of Observations, Theory, and
Modeling in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere (M-I-T) Coupling *
Section/Focus Group: SPA-Aeronomy

Co-Organized with: SPA-Magnetospheric Physics
Link:  https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm17/preliminaryview.cgi/Session27455

*Conveners:*  Stanislav Y Sazykin (Rice University), Philip John Erickson (MIT
Haystack Observatory),  J. Michael Ruohoniemi, (Virginia Tech) and Simon G
Shepherd (Dartmouth College)

*Session Description:*

Geomagnetic storms and substorms have dramatic consequences for the coupled
Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere (M-I-T) system that test our
system-level understanding. The Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream (SAPS) is
one such consequence, understood as a latitudinally narrow band of enhanced
poleward-directed (ionosphere) / radially directed (magnetosphere) electric
field that has a width of one to several degrees and extends across many
hours of magnetic local time towards the evening sector. SAPS are present
in regions equatorward of the auroral electron precipitation boundary. We
welcome presentations that address ionospheric and thermospheric dynamics
resulting from M-I-T coupling with specific focus on the cross-domain
connections to magnetospheric drivers. Experimental, theoretical and
model-based estimates of the location, extent and intensity of currents,
electric fields and composition and density structures are of interest.
Interpreted simulation results of the coupled system are sought.  We
welcome comprehensive analyses of events selected in the CEDAR-GEM SAPS
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