CEDAR email: Call for Letters of Application for Membership on NASA’s Science and Technology Definition Team for the Geospace Dynamics Constellation mission

Leisner, Jared S. (HQ-DJ000) jared.s.leisner at nasa.gov
Mon Jul 17 11:57:47 MDT 2017

The Heliophysics Division of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate intends to conduct a study of mission options, including science and technology options, for its next major Living With a Star mission, Geospace Dynamics Constellation (GDC). This study will build on, but not be limited to, the National Research Council’s 2013 Heliophysics Decadal Survey “Solar and Space Physics: A Science for a Technological Society” (available at https://www.nap.edu/catalog/13060/solar-and-space-physics-a-science-for-a-technological-society). NASA invites applications from scientists and other qualified and interested individuals at U.S institutions to participate in this Science and Technology Definition Team (STDT).

The STDT will be charged with conducting a mission concept study (or studies) and defining a design reference mission(s) for GDC. This charge will include an assessment and update of the science rationale for the mission and the provision of science parameters, investigation approaches, key mission parameters, and any other needed scientific studies.

NASA will select STDT members based upon demonstrated expertise in areas relevant to GDC goals, potential instrumentation, and related science and technologies. NASA anticipates the selection of approximately ten to twenty-five STDT members. Representatives from the NASA Heliophysics Division, and possibly other Agency representatives, may serve as ex officio members of the STDT.

The STDT will be formed in October 2017 and will be disbanded after the Heliophysics Advisory Committee accepts the STDT’s final report (expected July 2018). During this anticipated nine-month period of time, STDT members will participate in the following activities:
  1. Weekly to biweekly teleconferences, as determined by the STDT
  2. Several face-to-face meetings in the DC area, for which travel support will be provided by NASA
  3. The preparation and review of materials for and the production of the STDT reports
  4. Additional virtual and face-to-face meetings, as the STDT deems appropriate

Applications for membership on the GDC STDT are due no later than August 1, 2017 (11:59 EDT) and must be submitted by e-mail to Dr. Jared Leisner (address below). The subject line of the e-mail should be “GDC STDT Application”.

The application must consist of a single PDF that includes:
  1. A cover letter that explains the reasons for the submitter’s interest in the STDT and the specific contribution, capabilities, and experience that they would bring to the STDT. This letter may be up to two pages in length.
  2. A short statement confirming the submitter’s availability during the nine-month period that the STDT will be active and committing to perform the tasks assigned to the STDT. In cases where a submitter anticipates select, significant schedule constraints that could restrict engagement at critical times, this statement must state and discuss them. This statement may be up to one-half of a page in length.
  3. A resume or CV that includes any relevant spacecraft mission involvement and publications. This document may be up to two pages in length.

Letters of Application are invited only from individuals; group applications, collaborations, and teams will not be considered.

This STDT is being chartered under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). Members of the STDT who are not Regular Government Employees (RGE) will be designated Special Government Employees (SGE). As an SGE, each STDT member will be required to submit an OGE 450 (Confidential Financial Disclosure Form).

NASA reserves the right to cancel this Call for Letters of Application at any time should programmatic and/or other reasons warrant it. The issuance of this Call for Letters of Application does not obligate NASA to accept any of the applications. Any costs incurred by prospective submitters in preparing responses to this Call are incurred completely at their own risk.

Dr. Jared Leisner
Heliophysics Division
Science Mission Directorate
jared.s.leisner at nasa.gov

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