CEDAR email: AGU session on MIT dynamic coupling and energy transport

Verkhoglyadova, Olga (335G) Olga.Verkhoglyadova at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Jul 5 19:08:32 MDT 2017

Dear colleagues,

We invite you to submit an abstract and/or to attend the companion 2017 Fall AGU Sessions on MIT dynamic coupling and energy transport:

Session SA013: " Challenges in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Dynamics: the Role of Mesoscale and Transient Phenomena"

We invite a discussion on challenging problems and novel approaches to understanding the ionosphere-thermosphere (IT) as a dynamical system with focus on mesoscale and transient phenomena and their contribution to the total energy budget. We solicit papers which analyze progress in theory and modeling to understand dynamic IT events. Presentations discussing new observations of transient and localized features in the IT system are encouraged. Research results on advanced data assimilation and new approaches to determine upper boundary driving for Global Circulation Models (GCMs) are solicited. How important are transients to the magnetosphere-IT coupling? What are the geoeffective scales of these phenomena? What is the role of ULF wave mechanisms in the coupling? How much do localized and transient (or wave) phenomena contribute to the IT energy input? Is storm-time thermospheric cooling adequately specified in GCMs? We seek to create synergy with our counterpart MIT coupling session in SPA-Magnetospheric Physics.

Invited speakers: W. Lotko, N. Pedatella.

Conveners: Olga P. Verkhoglyadova, Cheryl Y. Huang, Yanshi Huang and Martin G. Mlynczak.

Session SM015: "Challenges in Magnetosphere - Ionosphere - Thermosphere Coupling: Magnetospheric Energy/Momentum Input and their Impact on High-latitude Ionospheric Electrodynamics"

Magnetosphere-ionosphere (MI) and ionosphere-thermosphere (IT) are often studied separately by the magnetosphere and aeronomy researchers, although strong coupling of the magnetosphere- ionosphere-thermosphere (MIT) is widely recognized in both communities. This session addresses current understandings and challenges in the MIT coupling dynamics with emphasis on the magnetospheric energy/momentum input and their impact on the high-latitude ionospheric electrodynamics. Field-aligned currents, auroral precipitation, Poynting flux, and magnetospheric waves can have significant impacts on the MIT coupling, especially during strong geomagnetic activities. Studying their spatiotemporal dynamics, energy/momentum deposition patterns, and direct impacts on the high-latitude ionosphere (ionospheric upflows, electric fields, conductances, Joule heating, etc) is a key first step to understand the MIT coupling dynamics as a whole global system. This session invites observations, simulations, theory, or any combination of the three. With our counterpart MIT dynamics session in SPA-Aeronomy, we seek to create synergy between the MI and IT communities.

Conveners: Hyunju Kim Connor, Binzheng Zhang, Haje Korth, and Gang Lu

Deadline for abstract submission is 2 August.

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