CEDAR email: Fwd: Participate in the 2018 Forums for New Leaders in Space Science

Maura Hagan maura.hagan at usu.edu
Fri Jul 14 13:42:10 MDT 2017

CEDAR Colleagues-
  Please consider the appended opportunity.

Maura Hagan
Dean, College of Science
Utah State University
0305 Old Main Hill
Logan UT 84322-0305
maura.hagan at usu.edu<mailto:maura.hagan at usu.edu>

Participate in the 2018 Forums for New Leaders in Space Science
Wednesday, June 14, 2017 - 14:26
The Space Studies Board of US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine<http://www.nationalacademies.org/> and the National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences<http://english.nssc.cas.cn/> are pleased to invite applications to participate in the 7th and 8th Forums for New Leaders in Space Science. The application deadline is 14 July 2017.
[Forums for New Leaders in Space Science]<http://sites.nationalacademies.org/SSB/SSB_086017>
The Forums, initiated in 2014, are designed to provide opportunities for a highly select group of young scientists to discuss their research activities in an intimate and collegial environment at meetings to be held in China and the United States. The 7th and 8th Forums will be devoted to astronomy and astrophysics and solar and space physics and will be held on 23-24 January 2018 (in Guangzhou, China) and 12-13 July 2018 (in Pasadena, California). Both events will include focused presentations by young scientists, topical presentations by senior scientists, and group discussions. Participants will be selected by an International Program Committee.
The travel and subsistence costs for participants based in the US will be paid by the National Academies using non-federal funds. Travel costs for China-based participants will be paid by their own organizations. The local host will provide three nights of hotel accommodation.
Applications must be received by 14 July 2017.  Extended to 28 July 2017. Additional details and application procedures<http://sites.nationalacademies.org/SSB/SSB_086017> are available on the National Academies website.
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