[ncl-talk] sub: Regridding NARR data

dale zuri dalezuri at gmail.com
Sat Feb 29 14:55:48 MST 2020

Hi NCL user,
I have been trying to regrid NARR 0.3 resolution to 190x384 using the ESMF
regrid function. The regrid was successful, however the output values seem
unrealistic and not correct.
I would appreciate any suggestion to fix the problem.

Here the code:
 diri1 = "/NARR/daily/prate/"

fill1 = systemfunc("for((i="+yrstrt+";i<="+yrend+";i+=1)); do ls "+
diri1 +"*$i*;


f1    = addfiles (fill1, "r")   ; note the "s" of addfile

ListSetType (f1, "cat")

uT1    = f1[:]->prate             ; read T from all files

lon2d    = f1[:]->x             ; read T from all files

lat2d    = f1[:]->y             ; read T from all files

printVarSummary (uT1)

  uT1 at _FillValue = uT1 at missing_value  ; fix missing value


  uT  = short2flt( uT1 )   ; apply scale and offset attributes

xMon = calculate_monthly_values (uT, "avg", 0,True)



T1 = month_to_season (xMon, "JJA")




;-- define the T255 grid (lat x lon - 256x512)

nlat = 190 ;-- number of latitudes

nlon = 384 ;-- number of longitudes

grint = 0.9375 ;-- grid spacing

dst_lat = fspan((-90.0+grint),(90.-grint),nlat)*1d ;-- type double

dst_lat!0 = "lat" ;-- dimension name

dst_lat at units = "degrees_north" ;-- dimension units

dst_lon = fspan(0.0,(360.-grint),nlon)*1d ;-- type double

dst_lon!0 = "lon" ;-- dimension name

dst_lon at units = "degrees_east" ;-- dimension units

;-- set ESMF resources

Opt = True

Opt at InterpMethod = "patch" ;-- interpolation method

Opt at SrcFileName = "ECHAM5_SCRIP_bilinear.nc" ;-- new source file name

Opt at WgtFileName = "ECHAM5toWorldCurvilinear_bilinear.nc";-- weights file

Opt at ForceOverwrite = True ;-- force overwrite

 Opt at DstFileName = "WorldRectilinear_SCRIP_bilinear.nc";-- destination file

Opt at DstGridType = "rectilinear" ;-- Destination grid

Opt at DstGridLon = dst_lon

Opt at DstGridLat = dst_lat

newgrid = ESMF_regrid(T1,Opt)

;newgrid  = f2fsh_Wrap(T1,(/190,384/))

printVarSummary (newgrid)

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