CEDAR email: Virtual CEDAR 2021 Workshop: Student Leadership Opportunities
Meghan Lemay
mmlemay at bu.edu
Wed Nov 25 08:41:19 MST 2020
Meghan Lemay <mmlemay at bu.edu>
9:27 AM (1 hour ago)
to cedar-email
Hi CEDAR students!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
The *CEDAR student representatives* of the CSSC committee would like to
know if you are interested in potential leadership opportunities at the *CEDAR
2021 virtual workshop* and also gain additional inputs. Your
suggestions/inputs would be greatly appreciated. Please *fill out this
survey* at https://forms.gle/qPeYm4pEvDYGfR7U9
<https://forms.gle/qPeYm4pEvDYGfR7U9> no later than *December 4th *so we
can give your feedback to the CEDAR Science Steering Committee. These
opportunities are open to both *domestic and international students*.
We would like to engage with all of you and ask for your help in order to
make the CEDAR 2021 meeting fruitful for all of us. We are working on
several initiatives that would increase interactions among CEDAR
participants and provide a chance for more students to take on leadership
roles and contribute to the success of the CEDAR 2021 virtual meeting.
1. We want to hold *student office hours* during CEDAR 2021 meeting. Please
let us know what kind of office hours would be beneficial for you.
2. We want to ask if anyone would like to contribute to specific session in
the workshop as a *student convener. *This would involve sharing some
of the workload with fellow convenors and potentially providing a summary
of the session to the CSSC committee.
3. Last year, we published the first issue of the *student newsletter*, and
it could not have been done without the 11 CEDAR student volunteers. We
would like to do this again. If you are willing to contribute to the
student newsletter for the future CEDAR 2021 workshop, please have a look
at the Student News Letter 2020
<https://cedarweb.vsp.ucar.edu/wiki/images/b/b2/2020_CEDAR2020_SNL.pdf> for
your reference.
4. We want to increase awareness about CEDAR to the broader community
specifically high school and undergraduate students. Let us know if you
would be interested in helping with *content creation*, specifically
videos, that would engage a broader audience.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Meghan LeMay
Incoming Student Representative
Komal Kumari
Outgoing Student Representative
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