[ncl-talk] NCL function eofunc_n

Sri nandini bax8609 at uni-hamburg.de
Fri May 22 01:30:58 MDT 2020

Hello ncl-users,

I had a question on the ncl function eofunc_n at 

The corresponding EOF map from e.g 3 (below) computes EOF based on 4 
dimensional variable, calculated on the last 3 dimensions.

Is there a way to calculate EOF on the first 2 dimensions e.g. ev = 
eofunc_n(z*(/0,1/)*,neval,False,0) ?

I wish to compute EOFs based on the time and ensemble dimension ==>e.g. 
TS=[*time,ens*, lat,lon]

*Example 3*

Let z be four-dimensional with dimensions time, lev, lat, lon:

   neval  = 3                       ; calculate 3 EOFs out of klev*nlat*mlon
   ev     =*eofunc_n*(z,neval,False,0)
; ev will be dimensioned neval, level, lat, lon

   ; Use*eofunc_n_Wrap*  <https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Functions/Contributed/eofunc_n_Wrap.shtml>  if metadata retention is desired
   ; ev     =*eofunc_n_Wrap*  <https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Functions/Contributed/eofunc_n_Wrap.shtml>(z,neval,False,0)


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