[ncl-talk] missing values when finding depths of isotherms

Denise Worthen - NOAA Affiliate denise.worthen at noaa.gov
Thu May 9 06:59:10 MDT 2019

Hi All,

I am using the example of iso_1.ncl to find the depth of a series of
isotherms. I am not getting errors, but I am not finding values where I
think there should be values.

I've attached a test version of my script and the output. If I look at two
nearby points, I get an isothermal depth at one point but not at a nearby
point with a similar T(z). I actually get values for isothermal depths over
large areas but they are "patchy". I don't understand why I'm not finding
depths in some places where I think I should be.

In the attached output for example, the T(z) at two nearby points look like

index      Pt1    depth   Pt2
(12)    23.6228  125  22.7855
(13)    22.68  135  21.8488
(14)    21.717  145  20.8878
(15)    20.7226  155  19.8876
(16)    19.689  165  18.8448
(17)    18.6207  175  17.7681

The 20 deg isotherm should be at about 160m at Pt1 and 150m at Pt2. What I
get is a missing value at Pt1 and 153.6m at Pt2.

Any help appreciated,
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