[ncl-talk] Plot for 24 hour average
Komal Shukla
komalshukla1992 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 13:06:45 MST 2018
Can someone please look into this? It might be very simple.
I use the below mentioned script in ncl to generate a monthly average plot
for a variable from wrfout files(wrfchem). It works really well. I get = 1
file/30 days (monthly average)
Each of my wrfoutfile is written for 24 hours in it ( 0 to 23 hours), and I
have 30 such files for a month.
Case 1 : I need to get the monthly average of only 16 to 21 hours. My
script is giving monthly average of 0 to 23 hours.
Case2 : I am trying to form 24 plots from these 30 files. Hourly average
plots. Each plot representing an hours average over the month(30 files). I
want = 24 files/30 days (hourly average)
My script is written here, I am unable to write the script change/loop for
the above case, can someone please change the script for both the cases to
help me get the mentioned plots?
a = addfile("../wrfout_d02_2016-11-01_00:00:00.nc","r")
it = 0 ; first time step
hgt = wrf_user_getvar(a,"HGT_M",it) ; Terrain elevation
hgt at lat2d = wrf_user_getvar(a,"XLAT",it) ; latitude/longitude
hgt at lon2d = wrf_user_getvar(a,"XLONG",it) ; required for plotting
wks = gsn_open_wks("png","OR1")
FILES = systemfunc ("ls ../wrfout_d02_2016-11-01*") ; file paths
numFILES = dimsizes(FILES)
aa = addfiles (FILES+".nc", "r") ;add multiple files
OR1= wrf_user_getvar(aa,"OR1",-1) ; 3D tc
OR1_avg2D at lat2d = wrf_user_getvar(a,"XLAT",it) ; latitude/longitude
OR1_avg2D at lon2d = wrf_user_getvar(a,"XLONG",it) ; required for plotting
--removing additional plot design options--
contour = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,OR1_avg2D,res)
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