[ncl-talk] Map_options_error

Karin Meier-Fleischer meier-fleischer at dkrz.de
Tue Jul 14 06:01:15 MDT 2015

Hi Sebastian,

you are using min(lon), max(lon), min(lat) and max(lat) to define the 
map border.
To see which min/max lat/lon values are in your data, do:


I don't know much about WRF files and the routine *wrf_user_getvar**, 
*but maybe you should
use the same lat and lons of the variables u and v (XLAT, XLON) which 
you use to define the
lon2d attributes for u and v. Maybe they are different to the lon and 
lat values.

   minlat =  min(sfile->XLAT(0,:,:)
   maxlat =  max(sfile->XLAT(0,:,:)
   minlon = min(sfile->XLAT(0,:,:)
   maxlon = max(sfile->XLAT(0,:,:)

If you want to use mpMinLonF, mpMaxLonF, mpMinLatF and mpMaxLatF you should
set the resource mpLimitMode to "LatLon":

   res at mpLimitMode = "LatLon"

See: http://ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/Resources/mp.shtml#mpMinLonF


Am 14.07.15 um 01:07 schrieb Sebastian Otarola-Bustos:
> HI,
> I'm doing a vector animation over a map, and for some reason I still 
> don't know. I cannot see the results because the map is much bigger 
> than my domain. I also tried to fit these map to the maximum and 
> minimum latitudes of my domains, but it seems that dont work. I'm 
> showing you my script, any help would be really appreciated:
>      Var        =1
>         lat        = wrf_user_getvar(sfile,"lat",-1)
>         lon        = wrf_user_getvar(sfile,"lon",-1)
>         times      = wrf_user_getvar(sfile,"times",-1)
>         u = sfile->U10
>         v = sfile->V10
>         u at units ="m/s"
>         v at units ="m/s"
>         u at lat2d = sfile->XLAT(0,:,:)
>         u at lon2d = sfile->XLONG(0,:,:) 
>         v at lat2d = sfile->XLAT(0,:,:)
>         v at lon2d = sfile->XLONG(0,:,:)
>         speed   = sqrt(u^2+v^2)
>         speed at units = "m/s"
>         speed at lat2d = sfile->XLAT(0,:,:)
>         speed at lon2d = sfile->XLONG(0,:,:)
>     minlat =  min(lat)
>         maxlat =  max(lat)
>         minlon =  min(lon)
>         maxlon =  max(lon)
>         dims   = dimsizes(u)
>         ntimes = dims(0)
>         nlat   = dims(1)
>         nlon   = dims(2)
>     ;---Set some resources
>         res                         = True
>         res at gsnMaximize             = True
>         res at vcRefMagnitudeF         = 10.0
>         res at vcRefLengthF            = 0.05
>         res at vcGlyphStyle            = "CurlyVector"
>         res at vcMinDistanceF          = 0.025
>         res at vcRefAnnoOrthogonalPosF = 0.01
>         res at vcLevelSelectionMode    = "ExplicitLevels"
>         res at vcLevels               = ispan(0,20,5)
>         res at mpMinLatF         = minlat
>         res at mpMaxLatF         = maxlat
>         res at mpMinLonF         = minlon
>         res at mpMaxLonF         = maxlon
>         res at mpCenterLonF      = (minlon+maxlon)*0.5
>         res at mpCenterLatF      = (minlat+maxlat)*0.5
>         res at pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always"
>         res at lbLabelFontHeightF    = 0.02
>     do n=0,ntimes-1
>           wks = gsn_open_wks("png","animate"+sprinti("%03i",n))    ;
>     animate_00.png, animate_01.png, etc
>     gsn_define_colormap(wks,"gui_default")
>           print("Trabajando en el tiempo: " + times(n))
>           res at gsnRightString  = " Velocity(m/s):  "+ times(n)
>           res at gsnLeftString = " "
>           res at gsnDraw = False
>           res at gsnFrame = False
>           plotB =gsn_csm_vector_map(wks,u(n,:,:),v(n,:,:),res)
>           draw(plotB)
>           frame(wks)
>           delete(wks)   ; Make sure PNG file is closed
>       end do
> All the best,
> Sebastián.
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