[ncl-talk] WRAPIT and _FillValue

jbuzan jbuzan at purdue.edu
Mon Sep 15 12:54:28 MDT 2014

Hi ncl-talk,

I am working a lot with WRAPIT, and the datasets that I am using have a lot of _FillValues.  I am jumping through hoops and it is really slowing my through put down.  
The Fortran Code is designed for single grid cells, so I am using ncl loops and an IF THEN statement.

for example:
value = 1d36
delete(Tk at _FillValue)
Tk = where(Tk.eq.1d36,-999.d,Tk)
      do k = 0, dimsizes(timet)-1
         if (Tk(k,i,j).eq.-999.d) then
            Tc(k,i,j) = value
            SPITITOUT::spitout(Tk(k,i,j), Tc(k,i,j))
         end if
      end do
Tc at _FillValue = value

Is there a better way to deal with _FillValues?



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