[ncl-talk] Curly Vector issue

ruprich at cerfacs.fr ruprich at cerfacs.fr
Wed Aug 6 17:33:36 MDT 2014

Dear NCL users,

I have some problem using the vcGlyphStyle resource. When I chose the
option "CurlyVector", my script leads to a Segmentation fault.
Do you know any reason for that?

Here is some pieces of my script:

1) I load 2 variables:

  Variable: var1
  Type: float
  Total Size: 51840 bytes
              12960 values
  Number of Dimensions: 2
  Dimensions and sizes:   [lat | 90] x [lon | 144]
              lat: [-89.49438..89.49438]
              lon: [1.25..358.75]
  Number Of Attributes: 2
    _FillValue :  -1e+10
    average_op_ncl :      dim_avg_n over dimension(s): time

  Variable: var2
  Type: float
  Total Size: 51840 bytes
              12960 values
  Number of Dimensions: 2
  Dimensions and sizes:   [lat | 90] x [lon | 144]
              lat: [-89.49438..89.49438]
              lon: [1.25..358.75]
  Number Of Attributes: 2
    _FillValue :  -1e+10
    average_op_ncl :      dim_avg_n over dimension(s): time

2) I define the resources for my plot:
  res                         = True

  res at gsnDraw                 = False              ; don't draw
  res at gsnFrame                = False              ; don't advance frame
  res at gsnAddCyclic            = True
  res at vcGlyphStyle            = "CurlyVector"

3) I plot:
  wks     = gsn_open_wks(pltTypeLocal, plotDir+plotName)
  plot    = new(1, "graphic")

  plot(0) = gsn_csm_vector_map(wks, var1, var2, res)


That's pretty much it... And if I run this script without the
"CurlyVector" option it works.

Than you,

PS: I am running this script with the 6.1.2 ncl version

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