[ncl-install] Compiled NCL unable to run normally on command line

Wing Kai CHEUNG wkcheung at hko.gov.hk
Tue Jul 20 20:00:47 MDT 2021

I've compiled NCL v6.6.2 on AIX7.2. When I execute .ncl script with 
"ncl" on command prompt, say

ncl test.ncl

The script is unable to run, and "ncl" gives this error at the end:

fatal:NhlRealloc Failed:[errno=12]
fatal:ContourPlotPreDraw: dynamic memory allocation error
fatal:%s: invalid workspace: invalid workspace
fatal:%s: invalid workspace: invalid workspace
fatal:ContourPlotDraw: draw error
fatal:PlotManagerPreDraw: error in plot pre-draw
fatal:_NhlPlotManagerDraw: PreDraw error
fatal:syntax error: line -1 before or near ▒

If I add a "<" like this

ncl < test.ncl

It will run smoothly. This is all good until we find out that this 
workaround doesn't work for other NCL programs in the package. When I try:

ncl_convert2nc test.grb

It doesn't work at all, and gives these errors:

fatal:NclGRIB: Deleting reference to parameter because of decoding error
fatal:NclGRIB: Variable contains no GRIB records
fatal:syntax error: line -1 before or near �

Adding a "<" in this case will not help, as "ncl_convert2nc" is unable 
to recognize the options.

I thought it is a problem related to the server itself, but when I tried 
to do the same thing with the pre-compiled version of NCL, it just run 
flawlessly. The versions I tried are v5.2.1 and v6.0.0. This makes me 
wonder if I'm doing anything wrong during the compilation. Any clue?

Thank you,
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