[ncl-install] [Non-DoD Source] Regarding previous mail

Mary Haley haley at ucar.edu
Tue Dec 12 09:24:33 MST 2017

Dear Ankita,

Dennis and I both responded to your message 5 days ago and asked you to
send your question to ncl-talk at ucar.edu. We both pointed you to some
examples to start with and the NCL User Guide.  Did you look at any of
these links?

You said you are subscribed to ncl-talk, but I just checked and you are not
subscribed to this email list. You must first subscribe via:


Once you are subscribed, then you can email your question to
ncl-talk at ucar.edu.

However, your original question was a bit vague. As I suggested in my
previous email, you should first visit this page to see some Hovmueller


Please try to adopt one of these examples for your own use, and if you
still have trouble, then send your question to ncl-talk at ucar.edu, but
please be more specific about what you are trying to accomplish.

Thank you,


On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 5:31 AM, HAVENER, KEVIN F GS-12 USAF ACC 14 WS/WXED
<kevin.havener at us.af.mil> wrote:

> Well, you could begin by asking your questions on ncl-talk, not
> ncl-install.  Ncl-install is for installation problems only.  As I am also
> subscribed to  ncl-talk, I'm reasonably sure your question has not come up
> there recently, either.  I suggest you look at the archives for ncl-talk.
> Hovmueller questions come up every so often there, and your problem might
> already have a solution.
> To ask questions on the list, you first must subscribe.  Just Google up
> "ncl-talk" and the first one or two links will send you to the subscription
> page.
> Kevin Havener
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ncl-install [mailto:ncl-install-bounces at ucar.edu] On Behalf Of
> Ankita Sharma
> Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2017 12:50 AM
> To: ncl-install at ucar.edu
> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] [ncl-install] Regarding previous mail
> As I am new to this committee, so I expect a humble reply to my issues
> from your side. I have sent emails to you regarding issues in my Hovmueller
> diagram and I haven't received any reply from your side till now. I expect
> a reply from your side as soon as possible.
> Thank you
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