[Met_help] Compile Error 1.0 Q

Flanigan, Robert (Civ, ARL/CISD) rflaniga at arl.army.mil
Wed Jan 9 10:53:08 MST 2008


I am trying to compile v 1.0 and get an error saying it can not find a NetCDF *.hh file but it shuld be in the path?

../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:16:21: netcdf.hh: No such file or directory

NETCDF_BASE  = /opt/NetCDF/v362

ullius:rflaniga /opt/MET/v1.0/src> find /opt -name netcdf.hh 2>/dev/nu

Any sugestions?

Robert Flanigan

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