[Met_help] Compile Error 1.0 Q

John Halley Gotway johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
Wed Jan 9 11:30:19 MST 2008


It appears that I left out a NETCDF_INCS that should have been in the Makefile for the vx_met_util library.  I tested this out prior to releasing version 1.0 to try to catch all of the compilation
dependencies, but I must have missed one.  Sorry about that.

Please use the attached Makefile to replace the Makefile in the ..../METv1.0/lib/vx_met_util directory.  The only difference is adding $(NETCDF_INCS) to the "read_grib.o" line.

Then try to rebuild MET.  Please let me know if that does the trick or if you run into any more compilation problems.

I'll work on posting this fix to the MET website.


Flanigan, Robert (Civ, ARL/CISD) wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to compile v 1.0 and get an error saying it can not find a NetCDF *.hh file but it shuld be in the path?
> ../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:16:21: netcdf.hh: No such file or directory
> NETCDF_BASE  = /opt/NetCDF/v362
> ullius:rflaniga /opt/MET/v1.0/src> find /opt -name netcdf.hh 2>/dev/nu
> /opt/NetCDF/netcdf-3.6.2/cxx/netcdf.hh
> /opt/NetCDF/v3.6.2/include/netcdf.hh
> /opt/NetCDF/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/netcdf.hh
> /opt/NetCDF/v361/include/netcdf.hh
> /opt/NetCDF/v362/include/netcdf.hh
> Any sugestions?
> Robert Flanigan
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# ** Copyright UCAR (c) 1992 - 2007
# ** University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)
# ** National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
# ** Research Applications Lab (RAL)
# ** P.O.Box 3000, Boulder, Colorado, 80307-3000, USA
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# Makefile for the vx_met_util library

TARGETS  = libvx_met_util.a

OBJECTS  = apply_mask.o \
	compute_ci.o \
	met_stats.o \
	read_grib.o \
	read_pcp_combine_netcdf.o \
	rescale_lon.o \


FAKES    = vx_met_util_all vx_met_util_lib clean

LIB_DIR  = ..

	@ echo
	@ echo "*** Making vx_met_util Library ***"
	@ echo
	@ make vx_met_util_lib  --no-print-directory
	cp $(TARGETS) ../.

vx_met_util_lib: libvx_met_util.a
	@ echo

libvx_met_util.a: $(OBJECTS)
	ar -rs libvx_met_util.a $(OBJECTS)
	ranlib libvx_met_util.a

apply_mask.o: apply_mask.cc
	$(COMPILER) apply_mask.cc $(FLAGS) $(OPT_FLAGS) -c -DMET_BASE=\"$(MET_BASE)\" -I$(LIB_DIR)

compute_ci.o: compute_ci.cc
	$(COMPILER) compute_ci.cc $(FLAGS) $(OPT_FLAGS) -c -I$(LIB_DIR) $(GSL_INCS)

met_stats.o: met_stats.cc
	$(COMPILER) met_stats.cc $(FLAGS) $(OPT_FLAGS) -c -I$(LIB_DIR) $(GSL_INCS)

read_grib.o: read_grib.cc
	$(COMPILER) read_grib.cc $(FLAGS) $(OPT_FLAGS) -c -I$(LIB_DIR) $(GSL_INCS) $(NETCDF_INCS)

read_pcp_combine_netcdf.o: read_pcp_combine_netcdf.cc
	$(COMPILER) read_pcp_combine_netcdf.cc $(FLAGS) $(OPT_FLAGS) -c -I$(LIB_DIR) $(NETCDF_INCS)

rescale_lon.o: rescale_lon.cc
	$(COMPILER) rescale_lon.cc $(FLAGS) $(OPT_FLAGS) -c -I$(LIB_DIR)

two_to_one.o: two_to_one.cc
	$(COMPILER) two_to_one.cc $(FLAGS) $(OPT_FLAGS) -c -I$(LIB_DIR)

	rm -f *.a *.o temp junk core a.out $(TARGETS) ../$(TARGETS)


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