*** Making the Model Evaluation Tools Project *** *** Making vx_afm Library *** /usr/bin/g++ afm.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ afm_keywords.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ afm_line.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ afm_token.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ afmkeyword_to_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ afmtokentype_to_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. ar -rs libvx_afm.a afm.o afm_keywords.o afm_line.o afm_token.o afmkeyword_to_string.o afmtokentype_to_string.o ar: creating libvx_afm.a ranlib libvx_afm.a cp libvx_afm.a ../. *** Making vx_analysis_util Library *** /usr/bin/g++ analysis_utils.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ box.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ by_case_info.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ data_line.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ mask_poly.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ mode_atts.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ mode_job.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ mode_line.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ time_series.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ vsdb_columns.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ vsdb_job.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ vsdb_line.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ vsdbjobtype_to_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ vsdblinetype_to_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. ar -rs libvx_analysis_util.a analysis_utils.o box.o by_case_info.o data_line.o mask_poly.o mode_atts.o mode_job.o mode_line.o time_series.o vsdb_columns.o vsdb_job.o vsdb_line.o vsdbjobtype_to_string.o vsdblinetype_to_string.o ar: creating libvx_analysis_util.a ranlib libvx_analysis_util.a cp libvx_analysis_util.a ../. *** Making vx_cal Library *** /usr/bin/g++ date_to_mjd.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ day_dif.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ day_of_week.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ doyhms_to_unix.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ easter.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ holiday.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ is_dst.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ is_leap_year.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ mdyhms_to_unix.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ mjd_to_date.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ time_strings.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ unix_to_mdyhms.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. ar -rs libvx_cal.a date_to_mjd.o day_dif.o day_of_week.o doyhms_to_unix.o easter.o holiday.o is_dst.o is_leap_year.o mdyhms_to_unix.o mjd_to_date.o time_strings.o unix_to_mdyhms.o ar: creating libvx_cal.a ranlib libvx_cal.a cp libvx_cal.a ../. *** Making vx_color Library *** /usr/bin/g++ cfile.tab.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ lex.color.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. lex.color.c:1190: warning: 'void yyunput(int, char*)' defined but not used /usr/bin/g++ vx_clist.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ vx_color.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ vx_ctable.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. ar -rs libvx_color.a cfile.tab.o lex.color.o vx_clist.o vx_color.o vx_ctable.o ar: creating libvx_color.a ranlib libvx_color.a cp libvx_color.a ../. *** Making vx_contable Library *** /usr/bin/g++ vx_contable.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ vx_contable_stats.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. -I/opt/GSL/gsl-1.10 -I/opt/NetCDF/v362/include ../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:41: warning: 'wrfdata_magic' defined but not used ../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:64: warning: 'thresh_type_str' defined but not used ../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:85: warning: 'step_direction_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:16: warning: 'proj_type' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:23: warning: 'na_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:26: warning: 'all_msg_typ_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:30: warning: 'anyair_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:31: warning: 'anyair_msg_typ_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:32: warning: 'anysfc_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:33: warning: 'anysfc_msg_typ_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:34: warning: 'onlysf_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:35: warning: 'onlysf_msg_typ_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:38: warning: 'all_interp_mthd_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:49: warning: 'mthd_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/met_stats.h:20: warning: 'hdr_fmt_str' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:20: warning: 'missing_str' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:62: warning: 'grib_code_list' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:94: warning: 'grib_code_list_str' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:358: warning: 'grib_level_list' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:377: warning: 'grib_level_flag' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:391: warning: 'grib_level_list_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/read_grib.h:64: warning: 'two_to_one_grib' defined but not used ar -rs libvx_contable.a vx_contable.o vx_contable_stats.o ar: creating libvx_contable.a ranlib libvx_contable.a cp libvx_contable.a ../. *** Making vx_data_grids Library *** /usr/bin/g++ exp_grid.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ grid_base.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ grid_defs.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ lc_grid.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ pc_grid.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ st_grid.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. ar -rs libvx_data_grids.a exp_grid.o grid_base.o grid_defs.o lc_grid.o pc_grid.o st_grid.o ar: creating libvx_data_grids.a ranlib libvx_data_grids.a cp libvx_data_grids.a ../. *** Making vx_econfig Library *** /usr/bin/g++ algline.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ array.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ builtin.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ builtin_to_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ celltype_to_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ econfig.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ econfigl.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. econfigl.cc:1237: warning: 'void yyunput(int, char*)' defined but not used /usr/bin/g++ gen.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ icode.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ icodecell_to_result.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ idstack.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ machine.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ pwl.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ result.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ resulttype_to_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ stetype_to_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ symtab.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. ar -rs libvx_econfig.a algline.o array.o builtin.o builtin_to_string.o celltype_to_string.o econfig.o econfigl.o gen.o icode.o icodecell_to_result.o idstack.o machine.o pwl.o result.o resulttype_to_string.o stetype_to_string.o symtab.o ar: creating libvx_econfig.a ranlib libvx_econfig.a cp libvx_econfig.a ../. *** Making vx_gnomon Library *** /usr/bin/g++ gnomon.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. ar -rs libvx_gnomon.a gnomon.o ar: creating libvx_gnomon.a ranlib libvx_gnomon.a cp libvx_gnomon.a ../. *** Making vx_grib_classes Library *** /usr/bin/g++ grib_classes.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:20: warning: 'missing_str' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:62: warning: 'grib_code_list' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:94: warning: 'grib_code_list_str' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:358: warning: 'grib_level_list' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:377: warning: 'grib_level_flag' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:391: warning: 'grib_level_list_str' defined but not used /usr/bin/g++ grib_strings.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. grib_strings.cc: In function `const char* get_grib_code_name(int, int, int&)': grib_strings.cc:35: warning: address of local variable `tmp_str' returned grib_strings.cc: In function `const char* get_grib_code_unit(int, int, int&)': grib_strings.cc:60: warning: address of local variable `tmp_str' returned grib_strings.cc: In function `const char* get_grib_code_abbr(int, int, int&)': grib_strings.cc:85: warning: address of local variable `tmp_str' returned grib_strings.cc: In function `const char* get_grib_level_name(int, int, int&)': grib_strings.cc:110: warning: address of local variable `tmp_str' returned grib_strings.cc: In function `const char* get_grib_level_abbr(int, int, int&)': grib_strings.cc:135: warning: address of local variable `tmp_str' returned grib_strings.cc: In function `const char* get_grib_level_str(int, int, unsigned char*, int&)': grib_strings.cc:160: warning: address of local variable `tmp_str' returned grib_strings.cc: In function `int str_to_grib_code(const char*)': grib_strings.cc:204: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions grib_strings.cc:219: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ar -rs libvx_grib_classes.a grib_classes.o grib_strings.o ar: creating libvx_grib_classes.a ranlib libvx_grib_classes.a cp libvx_grib_classes.a ../. *** Making vx_gsl_prob Library *** /usr/bin/g++ gsl_cdf.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. -I/opt/GSL/gsl-1.10 /usr/bin/g++ gsl_bvn.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. -I/opt/GSL/gsl-1.10 ar -rs libvx_gsl_prob.a gsl_cdf.o gsl_bvn.o ar: creating libvx_gsl_prob.a ranlib libvx_gsl_prob.a cp libvx_gsl_prob.a ../. *** Making vx_math Library *** /usr/bin/g++ hist.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ nint.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ nti.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ ptile.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. /usr/bin/g++ pwl_interpolate.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. ar -rs libvx_math.a hist.o nint.o nti.o ptile.o pwl_interpolate.o ar: creating libvx_math.a ranlib libvx_math.a cp libvx_math.a ../. *** Making vx_met_util Library *** /usr/bin/g++ apply_mask.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -DMET_BASE=\"/opt/MET/v1.0\" -I.. ../vx_met_util/constants.h:16: warning: 'proj_type' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:23: warning: 'na_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:26: warning: 'all_msg_typ_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:30: warning: 'anyair_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:31: warning: 'anyair_msg_typ_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:32: warning: 'anysfc_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:33: warning: 'anysfc_msg_typ_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:34: warning: 'onlysf_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:35: warning: 'onlysf_msg_typ_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:38: warning: 'all_interp_mthd_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:49: warning: 'mthd_str' defined but not used ../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:41: warning: 'wrfdata_magic' defined but not used ../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:64: warning: 'thresh_type_str' defined but not used ../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:85: warning: 'step_direction_str' defined but not used /usr/bin/g++ compute_ci.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. -I/opt/GSL/gsl-1.10 /usr/bin/g++ met_stats.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. -I/opt/GSL/gsl-1.10 ../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:41: warning: 'wrfdata_magic' defined but not used ../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:64: warning: 'thresh_type_str' defined but not used ../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:85: warning: 'step_direction_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:16: warning: 'proj_type' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:23: warning: 'na_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:26: warning: 'all_msg_typ_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:38: warning: 'all_interp_mthd_str' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:20: warning: 'missing_str' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:62: warning: 'grib_code_list' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:94: warning: 'grib_code_list_str' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:358: warning: 'grib_level_list' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:377: warning: 'grib_level_flag' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:391: warning: 'grib_level_list_str' defined but not used /usr/bin/g++ read_grib.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static -c -I.. -I/opt/GSL/gsl-1.10 In file included from ../vx_met_util/vx_met_util.h:21, from read_grib.cc:20: ../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:16:21: netcdf.hh: No such file or directory In file included from ../vx_met_util/vx_met_util.h:21, from read_grib.cc:20: ../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:25: warning: `read_pcp_combine_netcdf' initialized and declared `extern' ../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:25: error: variable or field `read_pcp_combine_netcdf' declared void ../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:25: error: `NcFile' was not declared in this scope ../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:25: error: expected primary-expression before ',' token ../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:25: error: expected primary-expression before '&' token ../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:25: error: expected primary-expression before ',' token ../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:25: error: expected primary-expression before '&' token ../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:25: error: expected primary-expression before ',' token ../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:25: error: expected primary-expression before "int" ../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:26: error: expected primary-expression before '&' token ../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:26: error: expected primary-expression before ',' token ../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:26: error: expected primary-expression before '&' token ../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:26: error: expected primary-expression before ',' token ../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:27: error: expected primary-expression before '&' token ../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:27: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token ../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:27: error: initializer expression list treated as compound expression ../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:41: warning: 'wrfdata_magic' defined but not used ../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:64: warning: 'thresh_type_str' defined but not used ../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:85: warning: 'step_direction_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:23: warning: 'na_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:26: warning: 'all_msg_typ_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:30: warning: 'anyair_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:31: warning: 'anyair_msg_typ_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:32: warning: 'anysfc_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:33: warning: 'anysfc_msg_typ_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:34: warning: 'onlysf_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:35: warning: 'onlysf_msg_typ_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:38: warning: 'all_interp_mthd_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/constants.h:49: warning: 'mthd_str' defined but not used ../vx_met_util/met_stats.h:20: warning: 'hdr_fmt_str' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:20: warning: 'missing_str' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:62: warning: 'grib_code_list' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:94: warning: 'grib_code_list_str' defined but not used ../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:391: warning: 'grib_level_list_str' defined but not used make[3]: *** [read_grib.o] Error 1 make[2]: *** [vx_met_util_all] Error 2 make[1]: *** [libs] Error 2 make: *** [all] Error 2