[Grad-postdoc-assn] USAJobs & Gov't. contractors

Valerie Sloan vsloan at ucar.edu
Fri Aug 5 16:53:15 MDT 2022

Dear all,

I wanted to share some tips and information on applying for jobs with the
federal government. This includes agencies like NASA, Department of
the Interior, Dept. of Commerce (NOAA), EPA, Dept. of Transportation (FAA,
etc.), and many others.  ALL federal jobs are posted on USAJobs.

*Government jobs can rock!* They can include opportunities to do research,
stable pay, sweet benefits (health care, retirement, etc.), opportunities
to move to new jobs or locations, and a generally good work-life balance.
Interested? See below.

*TIPS on Applying for jobs with the federal government: *

   - Take time to create a profile on USAJobs' website. See the attached
   handout and PDF for pointers.
   - Jobs are posted for about 2 weeks only.
   - Contact field offices and build connections there. They can then
   select you for an interview through USAJobs if they have an opportunity.
   - Read about the job categories and how to rate yourself on skills.
   People have varying thoughts on the latter.

*TIPS on applying with government contractors*

   - About one-third of entry-level people doing work for the federal
   government actually work for contractors.
   - Talk to people in field offices (e.g. USGS, NOAA) of interest, and
   find out which contractors they typically work with.
   - Contact the contractors and send them your resume/CV, etc.
   - Always try to develop connections with people in the field offices.
   - See the Article on how to find government contract jobs
   - See the attached document with a *NOAA list of contractors*.

Again, it is important to connect with people in the field offices so that
they will know who you are, and be able to find you on USAJobs. Find out
who is doing what research and where, and read up on their research.
Ideally write to individuals with a question or two about their research or
publication first. After you connect, later send them your CV. (Just some

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