[Grad-postdoc-assn] AMS August Career Development News

Valerie Sloan vsloan at ucar.edu
Wed Aug 10 10:23:08 MDT 2022

Good morning,

In case there is a topic of interest to you here, I thought I would send
this on to you.

Hope your day is off to a good start,

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[image: AMS header]
AMS Career Development News

Below are upcoming Career Development events and opportunities. Visit the AMS
Career Resources website
for career guides and tools, job announcements, professional development
opportunities, mentoring, and more!
New Podcast Episode

[image: Description of News Story Image]

In our most recent Clear Skies Ahead
podcast, AMS talked to *William Turner IV*, a PhD Student in Atmospheric
Science at University of California, Davis.

on your favorite podcast app to get new episodes directly into your feed!
We are always looking for podcast guests working in different weather,
water, and climate positions. Contact us <skypodcast at ametsoc.org> if you
would like to participate in a podcast with AMS.

Listen Now
Professional Development Opportunities
[image: graphic collage with instructor headshots (see link for details)]
Impacts of Climate Change on Western Fires and Drought August 12, 2022 at
12 PM Eastern Time

There is no doubt the intensity of wildfires and drought have increased in
recent years, and studies have shown climate change has played a
significant role in the rise of these deadly and destructive natural
disasters. Dr. Andrew Schwartz, lead scientist and station manager at the
University of California, Berkeley Central Sierra Snow Laboratory, explains
how a warmer climate is truly fanning these flames.

[image: graphic collage with instructor headshots (see link for details)]
Leading an Effective Multi-Instrument Field Campaign: A Panel Discussion
with the PERiLS Science Team August 26, 2022 at 11 AM Eastern Time

This webinar will bring scientists with expertise in running field
campaigns designed to observe atmospheric phenomena. Depending on the
science goals of the campaign, observations from different instruments may
need to be coordinated to capture the physical processes under
investigation. In this webinar, leads from the PERiLS (Propagation,
Evolution and Rotation in Linear Storms) campaign will share their best
practices and lessons learned from this field campaign.
*Earn Points for Professional Development

AMS Certification holders receive professional development points for
organizing or attending webinars and short courses!
 Organize a Webinar

Interested in organizing a webinar? The AMS Webinar Program provides both
seasoned and first-time webinar organizers the opportunity to submit a
proposal and receive help with the development, organization, and promotion
of their webinar. Take a look at our directory
to get an idea of all the different webinar topics that have been offered
over the last few years. This is a great way to share your expertise on a
subject that would be of interest to the weather, water, and climate

Learn More
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American Meteorological Society

45 Beacon Street, Boston, MA, 02108-3693

*Staff Email & Phone Directory


AMS supports you at all stages of your career. We hope this information is
helpful to you.

*Opt Out of AMS Career Center Alerts

*Unsubscribe from AMS
[image: Higher Logic]

Valerie Sloan, Ph.D.
Director of the GEO REU Network
& Sr. Higher Education Specialist
NCAR Education, Engagement and Early-Career Development
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
Email: vsloan at ucar.edu

I recognize that Boulder, Colorado, sits on the ancestral homelands and
territory of Indigenous Peoples, many of whom were displaced from Boulder
Valley <https://coloradoencyclopedia.org/article/sand-creek-massacre>
in the 1850s. These include people of the Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Ute Nations

'We have to remember that what we observe is not nature itself, but nature
exposed to our method of questioning.’  - Werner Heisenberg, pioneer of
quantum mechanics.
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