[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD Position on "European forests response to drought" in Nancy (France)
DELIRE Christine
christine.delire at meteo.fr
Fri Aug 23 10:08:23 MDT 2024
Dear colleagues,
[ https://silva.nancy.hub.inrae.fr/ | INRAE ] in Nancy and [ https://www.umr-cnrm.fr/ | CNRM ] in Toulouse are inviting applications for a PhD position on the modelling of European forests response to drought.
This PhD project aims to address two key challenges of modelling drought impacts on forests: 1. exploring trees' ability to reach deep water resources in soils and 2. revisit the effects that water stress has on different parts of the vegetation in land surface models. The PhD will assess the sensitivity of forest functioning and vulnerability under future climate conditions.
More info can be found in attachment .
The PhD student will be supervised by [ https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=HbGvaIIAAAAJ&hl=fr&oi=ao | Emilie Joetzjer ] (INRAE), [ https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FpHge8AAAAJ&hl=fr&oi=ao | Christine Delire ] (CNRM), and [ https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=s93VuhMAAAAJ&hl=fr&oi=ao | Matthias Cuntz ] (INRAE).
The student will be based at UMR Silva of INRAE Nancy with extended visits to CNRM in Toulouse.
We are looking for an enthusiastic student with a strong interest in eco-physiology, land surface interactions, as well as good coding skills.
How to apply:
Send a motivation letter and a resume to [ mailto:emilie.joetzjer at inrae.fr | emilie.joetzjer at inrae.fr ] and [ mailto:christine.delire at meteo.fr | christine.delire at meteo.fr ]
Do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
Application deadline : September 1 or until position is filled
Christine Delire
Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (CNRS/Meteo-France)
Toulouse, France
tel : 05 61 07 98 73
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