[ES_JOBS_NET] Lab technician and postdoctoral scholar positions in noble gas geochemistry at Syracuse University

Tao Wen twen08 at g.syr.edu
Thu Jul 27 12:37:58 MDT 2023

Dear colleagues,

The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Syracuse University seeks applicants for two positions (a lab technician and a postdoctoral scholar) in noble gas geochemistry. The noble gas geochemistry laboratory contains two state-of-the-art noble gas mass spectrometers (a Helix SFT and an Argus VI) and two extraction/purification lines (one for fluids and one for rocks). The noble gas geochemistry laboratory will be able to analyze the full suite of noble gases in gas, water, and rock samples. Inquiries about these positions should be directed to Dr. Tao Wen (twen08 at syr.edu <mailto:twen08 at syr.edu>)
1.     Lab Technician
·      This is a multi-year annually renewable technician position. The candidate is expected to work in person, whose primary responsibility is to direct and maintain the noble gas geochemistry lab and assist in the management of a hydrogeochemistry lab. Duties include, but are not necessarily limited to, day-to-day lab operations, supervising students, troubleshooting and maintaining instruments, and maintaining detailed records of lab data and methods.
·      Application link: https://www.sujobopps.com/postings/100023
2.     Postdoctoral Scholar
·      This is a multi-year annually renewable position. The candidate will assist in the management of the noble gas geochemistry laboratory and performing noble gas geochemistry research. The candidate will conduct experimental noble gas work in shallow and deep groundwater, natural gas, and rock samples. The candidate will be expected to collaborate with faculty members in ongoing research projects with the possibility to conduct independent research. The successful candidate will also have the option to participate in teaching, including lectures and laboratory teaching of both undergraduate and graduate students. The ideal candidate should be comfortable in a diversity of programming environments and proactive at finding solutions and developing new methodologies. The successful candidate will also have experience with noble gas (or gas source) mass spectrometry, maintaining ultrahigh vacuum systems, programming in LabVIEW (or Python) and Qtegra, excellent written and oral communication skills, and a track record in academic publications. A solid knowledge of noble gas analysis procedures is desired but not required.
·      Application link: https://www.sujobopps.com/postings/99991
In addition, Ph.D. positions in noble gas geochemistry are also available. Students will apply noble gases as a dating and tracing tool for fluid and solid samples. Students will be trained in noble gas geochemistry with respect to both laboratory and data analysis skills. Students will conduct experimental noble gas work in shallow and deep groundwater, natural gas, and/or rock samples. Application instructions for Ph.D. are available here: https://thecollege.syr.edu/earth-sciences-department/graduate-programs-earth-sciences/application-information/.

All the best,

Tao Wen (he/him/his)
Assistant Professor
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Heroy Geology Laboratory, Room 319B
141 Crouse Drive, Syracuse, NY 13244
M 734.730.8814      E-mail twen08 at syr.edu <mailto:twen08 at syr.edu>
Twitter @jaywt <https://twitter.com/jaywt>       Website jaywen.com <http://jaywen.com/>
Syracuse University 
I don’t expect you to respond to my email outside your working hours.

Tao Wen (he/him/his)
Assistant Professor
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Heroy Geology Laboratory, Room 319B
141 Crouse Drive, Syracuse, NY 13244
M 734.730.8814      E-mail twen08 at syr.edu <mailto:twen08 at syr.edu>
Twitter @jaywt <https://twitter.com/jaywt>       Website jaywen.com <http://jaywen.com/>
Syracuse University 

I don’t expect you to respond to my email outside your working hours.  

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