[ES_JOBS_NET] Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Postdoctoral Scholarships

Caroline Ummenhofer cummenhofer at whoi.edu
Thu Sep 15 18:02:40 MDT 2022

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is accepting applications for several Postdoctoral Scholarships.
We wish to emphasize that we are interested in receiving submissions from applicants of diverse research backgrounds.  Candidates will be chosen based on the merit of the research proposed in their application's research statement.  Criteria for awards include demonstrated research independence, productivity and novelty, and community service including contributions to making science and engineering more diverse, equitable and welcoming.  We would appreciate your bringing these opportunities to the attention of interested graduate students and recent postdoctorates at your university.
Additional information and application forms can be found at: https://go.whoi.edu/pdscholarship

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