[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD opportunity in Holocene glacier-climate change at the Bjerknes Centre/University of Bergen Norway

Willem Godert Maria van der Bilt willemvanderbilt at uib.no
Thu Aug 5 04:35:09 MDT 2021

Dear colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to a currently advertised 3/4-year PhD position at the University of Bergen in Norway, and hope you can bring this post under the attention of suitable candidates. The position is part of the Trond Mohn Foundation-funded PASTFACT<https://pastfact.mystrikingly.com/> project, and focuses on reconstructing the drivers and impact of Early Holocene glacier change. The over-arching goal of the project is to better understand the imprint and seasonality of Arctic hydrological intensification under warmer-than-present conditions. To do so, the successful candidate will have the opportunity to work with a set of emerging sedimentological tools like Computed Tomography (CT) scanning in the group`s state-of-the-art EARTHLAB<https://www.uib.no/en/earthlab> facility. There will also be plenty of possibilities for fieldwork on Svalbard. The application deadline closes on September 1. For more information and to apply, please check:


With kind regards, and happy to answer additional questions,

Willem van der Bilt

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