CEDAR email: CEDAR mailing list submission

Vincent Ledvina vincentledvina at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 16:11:22 MDT 2024

*Title: Call for Abstracts: SA023 - The MacGyver Session at the Fall 2024
AGU Meeting*

*Name: Vincent Ledvina*

*Contact: vledvina at alaska.edu <vledvina at alaska.edu>*


Hello, CEDAR community!

We invite you to submit an abstract to the Fall 2024 AGU session: The
MacGyver Session: The Place for Novel, Exciting, Self-Made, Hacked, or
Improved Sensors and Software Solutions for the Year of Open Science and
the Heliophysics Big Year (SA023).  The deadline to submit an abstract for
the session is July 31, 2024 23:59 EDT.

View our session: https://agu.confex.com/agu/agu24/prelim.cgi/Session/227258

2024 is a Big Year for Heliophysics with a focus on eclipses, solar max,
participatory science, and a global celebration of the Sun’s influence on
Earth and the entire solar system. Makers, citizen scientists, ham radio
enthusiasts, educators, and artists are welcome to bring broad, open
science and STEAM outreach to this “Heliophysics Big Year” version of a
MacGyver Session. Started in Hydrology more than a decade ago, this
expanded concept now engages Space Physics and Aeronomy with MacGyver-style
innovations, such as: new sensor systems which use technologies in novel or
unintended ways; new software, algorithms, data storage or transmission
solutions that send data from the field; and initiatives that facilitate
the creation and sharing of novel sensors, open source code and data, and
software systems.

Connected a smartphone sensor to an Arduino or Raspberry Pi? 3D printed a
magnetosphere model or electrostatic analyzer? Show it! New methods in
space physics, aeronomy, planetary, and atmospheric electricity are all
welcome. Bring prototypes and demonstrations. We are excited to be sharing
our MacGyvering with the broader AGU community during this Heliophysics Big

We are looking forward to seeing your abstract!  Feel free to contact us at
vledvina at alaska.edu with any questions or concerns.

Sincerely, the session conveners:

Vincent Ledvina

Kristina Collins

Nathaniel Frissell

Hyunju Connor

Francesca Di Mare

Vincent Ledvina *(he, him, his)*
Space Physics Ph.D. student
Intern at the Aerospace Corporation (PSL/SSAL)
University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute
651-578-1658 (cell)
I acknowledge the Alaska Native nations upon whose ancestral lands my home
resides. In Fairbanks, I am located on the ancestral lands of the Dena
people of the lower Tanana River.
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