CEDAR email: Kicking off 3 weeks of AGU with IGNITE!

Annie Burgess annieburgess at esipfed.org
Mon Nov 30 11:41:29 MST 2020

As we get started with nearly three weeks of the 2020 AGU Fall Meeting, I
wanted to remind everyone to add Ignite at AGU <http://igniteagu.io> to
your scientific
program <https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm20/meetingapp.cgi/Session/114113>!

As it is often challenging to make it to talks in different AGU sections,
or even visit an adjacent section's poster aisle, Ignite brings AGU's
diversity to one place!

Sponsored by NASA's Earth Science Division, supported by ESIP, and open to
all registered AGU Fall Meeting attendees, this year's Ignite will
certainly be one for the books!

2020 Ignite at AGU speakers:

   - Roman Dial (Alaska Pacific University): Walking treeline across the
   Brooks Range: What's happening in America's Arctic mountain wilderness?
   - Laura Guertin (Penn State Brandywine): Stitching Through Science
   Communication – With Quilts
   - Robert Simmon (Planet): Earth at an Acute Angle
   - Jonathan O'Brien (NASA ARSET/SSAI): Anxiety, Land Cover
   Classification, and Your Brain
   - Lauren Haygood (The University of Tulsa): A Tale of Two Rivers Meets
   Citizen Science
   - Lorena Medina Luna (NCAR): Silencing your inner saboteur: Succeeding
   in spite of imposter syndrome
   - Joanna Young (University of Alaska Fairbanks): Six surprising ways
   that glacier loss impacts humankind
   - Ryan McGranaghan (ASTRA): Discover the space between disciplines
   - Jeffrey Allenby (Center for Geospatial Solutions): From satellites to
   cell phones: Working smarter not harder in the Conservation World
   - Emil Cherrington (NASA SERVIR): Are you ready to cross a new Earth
   science data frontier?

We hope to see you there!
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