CEDAR email: 4th SCOSTEP/PRESTO Online Seminar

Nick Pedatella nickp at ucar.edu
Tue Nov 10 08:04:15 MST 2020

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the SCOSTEP/PRESTO leadership, I would like to invite you to
attend the 4th SCOSTEP/PRESTO Online Seminar, which will be given by Thomas
Immel on November 17 from 23:00-24:00 UT (15:00-16:00 PST). The title of
the seminar is "The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - Results from the
first year on orbit".

The event will be held via Zoom, and pre-registration is required. You may
register here:

We hope that you will join us for this seminar.
Nick Pedatella

4th SCOSTEP/PRESTO Online Seminar

Title: The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - Results from the first year on
Author: Thomas Immel
Affiliation: Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley,
Date/time: November 17 (Tue), 2020, 23:00-24:00 UT (15:00-16:00 PST)
Zoom Registration URL (pre-registration is necessary):
The NASA Ionospheric Connection Explorer has provided a full year of
measurements of the ionosphere and thermosphere, with excellent performance
of its
instruments and the observing platform. Its measurements support ICON’s
mission objectives to 1) determine the source of strong day-to-day
variability in
ionospheric densities, 2) determine how large-scale atmospheric waves
upward and interact with the ionosphere, and 3) understand how these
effects interact
with and modify geomagnetic storm phenomena. We will discuss some of the
remarkable effects observed by ICON, and how the analysis of these data is
leading to
new understanding of the behavior of the ITM system. This will include a
brief review of
comparisons to other measurements and a summary of validation efforts for
data products.
This seminar will be recorded and opened later on the SCOSTEP Website at
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