CEDAR email: InGeO Resen v2020.1.0: Includes new geospace Python libraries and tutorials
Asti Bhatt
asti.bhatt at sri.com
Mon Jul 20 12:16:53 MDT 2020
Dear colleagues,
A new version of the Reproducible Software Environment (Resen) was
released just before CEDAR with several updates and new libraries. The
full list of added software and functionality are available here.
*Some highlights:*
1. *ESA Swarm data analysis suite*: The open-source /viresclient/
<https://github.com/ESA-VirES/VirES-Python-Client> that gives the users
access to ESA's Swarm satellite data and analysis toolkit can be now
accessed through Resen.
2. *SuperDARN data analysis and visualization*: /pydarn/
has replaced now deprecated /DaViTpy/ as the primary community package
for analyzing SuperDARN data. This version of Resen replaces /DaViTpy/
with /pydarn/.
3. *Plasma physics software*: /plasmapy/
<https://docs.plasmapy.org/en/stable/index.html> is a
community-developed and a community-driven open source software toolset
for educational and research needs in plasma physics.
4. *ICON data tutorial*: As the data from the ICON satellite start to
become available, the ICON team has developed a data tutoria
<https://github.com/YJWu-SSL/ICON_Data_Demo>l for how to access and
analyze the data, which Resen users can access from the Tutorials
5. *Software citation generator*: /citationhelper/
<https://github.com/EarthCubeInGeo/citationhelper>, an easy to use
utility that allows the users to generate citations for the software
used to produce a specific result, developed by the InGeO team.
6. *Interactive pylab widget:* For data visualization, this widget
<https://github.com/matplotlib/ipympl> in the JupyterLab interface gives
user a way to use full functionality of matplotlib, including zooming in
the plots within the notebooks.
These updates are available both for online Resen (use it by signing up
here <https://ingeo.datatransport.org/v3/login>) and downloadable resen
(available here
<https://github.com/EarthCubeInGeo/resen/tree/v2020.1.0>). If you're not
familiar with geospace Python software, or Python, tutorials are
available in both versions of Resen to get your started.
Please reach out to the InGeO team at ingeo-team at ingeo.datatransport.org
with any questions or feel free to report an issue on the Resen GitHub
page <https://github.com/EarthCubeInGeo/resen/tree/v2020.1.0>. Please
also send us suggestions for community software and functionality you
would like to see in future Resen versions.
Thank you,
The InGeO team
Ashton Reimer, Leslie Lamarche, Pablo Reyes, Todd Valentic, and Asti Bhatt
Asti Bhatt
Center for Geospace Studies
SRI International
333 Ravenswood Ave
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone # +1-650-859-3424
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