CEDAR email: Creating reproducible results: 3rd InGeO webinar on Thurs, Apr 30

Asti Bhatt asti.bhatt at sri.com
Tue Apr 28 10:39:43 MDT 2020

Dear Colleagues,

The third and the last webinar in the InGeO webinar series will take 
place on the topic of 'Using Resen to create reproducible research 
results', this coming *Thursday, Apr 30 at 10AM PT/1PM ET/5PM UTC*.

In the past webinars we explored how creating truly reproducible results 
require knowledge of how the result was created. The Resen platform 
<https://github.com/EarthCubeInGeo/resen> developed by the InGeO project 
gives the users a capability to generate computationally reproducible 
results using open-source tools like Python. These results consist of 
data, software and underlying compute environment in one bundle that can 
be shared with colleagues or uploaded to generate a doi for use in 
publications. The webinar will walk the attendees through basics of 
using the software on creating and sharing these bundles.

*Register for the webinar here 

Thank you,

The InGeO team

Asti Bhatt
Center for Geospace Studies
SRI International
333 Ravenswood Ave
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone # +1-650-859-3424

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