CEDAR email: NSF AGS Virtual Office Hour - Friday, May 1st

Wiltberger, Michael J mwiltber at nsf.gov
Mon Apr 27 07:00:28 MDT 2020

Dear members of the AGS community,
We hope everyone in keeping healthy and safe.
The Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) will be hosting virtual office hours to share information about NSF’s current operations and provide guidance to the atmospheric and geospace sciences community. This will also allow the community to ask questions, share concerns, or offer suggestions on how AGS can do more to address the impact of COVID-19 on the research community. Current awardees, pending proposers, and future proposers are all welcome to attend.

The event is scheduled for 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM ET, Friday May 1, 2020.  If additional sessions are requested by the community, AGS will be able to host more in the near future.
Please feel free to distribute this message to your departments/institutions.  This listserv has a limited reach.

Best wishes,

When: May 1, 2020 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Office Hours
Register in advance for this webinar:

Take care,

Michael Wiltberger
Geospace Section Head

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