CEDAR email: RISR-C Incoherent Scatter Radar data available on Madrigal

Phil Erickson pje at mit.edu
Mon Oct 1 14:35:41 MDT 2018

Hello all,

The University of Calgary and MIT Haystack are pleased to announce that
data from the Resolute Bay Canada Incoherent Scatter Radar (RISR-C) is now
available via the Madrigal database.  This data set covers 2015 until the
present, with over 300 experiment periods covering nearly 4000 hours of
measurements.  To access the data, use the University of Calgary Madrigal
web site at http://madrigal.phys.ucalgary.ca, the central CEDAR Madrigal at
http://cedar.openmadrigal.org, or browse from any other Madrigal site.
Data is available as Hdf5, ascii, or netCDF4 files.

The two Resolute Bay Incoherent Scatter Radars are located in the Territory
of Nunavut on the south of Cornwallis Island in Canada at almost 75ÂșN
latitude.  The University of Calgary operates the south facing radar, and
SRII operates the north facing radar.  Together, the two RISR faces make
routine measurements of polar cap electrodynamics and provide the data
needed to understand the coupling and its global effects.  Data from both
radars can be found on Madrigal.

To learn more about these two radars, see
https://www.ucalgary.ca/aurora/projects/risrc or

MIT Haystack acknowledges Madrigal distributed data system support under
NSF award AGS-1762141 to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  RISR-C
is funded by the Canada Foundation for Innovation and led by the University
of Calgary's Auroral Imaging Group, in partnership with UofC Geomatic
Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Athabasca University and SRI

Rob Gillies, University of Calgary
Bill Rideout and Phil Erickson, MIT Haystack Observatory

Philip Erickson, Ph.D.
Atmospheric Sciences Group
MIT Haystack Observatory
Westford, MA  01886  USA

email: pje at haystack.mit.edu
WWW: http://www.haystack.mit.edu
voice: +1 617 715 5769
fax:   +1 781 981 5766

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