CEDAR email: VarSITI Newsletter Vol.5

Kazuo Shiokawa shiokawa at stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp
Wed May 13 02:15:37 MDT 2015

From Kazuo Shiokawa (shiokawa at stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp)

SCOSTEP's VarSITI (Variability of the Sun and Its Terrestrial Impact, 2014-2018)

VarSITI Newsletter volume 5 has now been published.  The PDF file is available at 
Below are the contents of this volume.  

Contents of VarSITI Newsletter Volume 5
Article 1: Operational Space Weather Forecasting Services in National Space Science Center of China
Article 2: Space and Atmospheric Communication and Informatics Research Group in Thailand
Article 3: Metadata database and data analysis software of the upper atmospheric data developed by the Inter-university Upper atmosphere Global Observation NETwork (IUGONET) project
Highlight on Young Scientists 1: Bidya Binay Karak (Sweden) 
Highlight on Young Scientists 2: Ernest P. Macalalad (Taiwan) 
Meeting Report 1: International School on Equatorial and Low-Latitude Ionosphere (ISELION)
Meeting Report 2: The 2nd Annual Conference of the Nigerian Geophysical Society (NGS)
Meeting Report 3: Sun-Climate Connections conference (Kiel, 16-19 March 2015)
Upcoming Meetings
Short News 1: Announcement of Opportunity
The SCOSTEP Visiting Scholar (SVS) program

VarSITI website: http://www.varsiti.org/

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