CEDAR email: AGU Session: Refilling of the Plasmasphere: Theory vs Observations

mdenton mdenton at spacescience.org
Tue Jul 7 16:27:58 MDT 2015


We welcome submissions to our special session on "Refilling of the 
Plasmasphere: Theory vs Observations" (SM025) to be held at the Fall AGU 
meeting.  The session abstract is given below.

We look forward to seeing you in San Francisco!

Kind regards,

Mick Denton (SSI/NMC)
Dennis Gallagher (NASA-MSFC)

2015 AGU Fall Meeting, 14-18 December 2015
*SM025: Refilling of the Plasmasphere: Theory vs Observations*
Conveners: Michael H. Denton (SSI/NMC) Dennis L. Gallagher (NASA/MSFC)

Session Description:

A general physical description of plasmaspheric erosion and refilling 
has been steadily outlined over the past fifty years.  Plasma in the 
outer plasmasphere is eroded during enhanced convection, and following a 
return to calm geomagnetic conditions, the plasmasphere refills from the 
ionosphere.  However, there remains something of a disconnect between 
observations and theoretical calculations.  In situ measurements of the 
rate of plasmaspheric refilling tend to be much higher than predictions 
of the refilling rate from theoretical models.  Wave-particle heating 
and scattering near the magnetic equator and ionospheric heating from 
energetic particle precipitation have not been fully accounted for in 
the past.  Composition changes during refilling have also not been 
adequately examined.  In order to address this dilemma we solicit 
observations of plasmaspheric refilling during individual events, 
statistical measurements of the plasmaspheric refilling rate, and 
particularly theoretical investigations of the processes that control 
refilling of the plasmasphere.

Abstract submission can be made at:


Michael H. Denton
Research Scientist
Space Science Institute
4750 Walnut Street Suite 205
Boulder, Colorado 80301
Email: mdenton at spacescience.org

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