[Wrf-users] using CFSR data with WRF, also CFSR vs CFSv2

Zulauf, Michael Michael.Zulauf at iberdrolaren.com
Wed Apr 25 11:22:36 MDT 2012

Hi all,


We've been experimenting with the use of CFSR data to initialize and
force WRF, as opposed to NNRP.  In case anyone isn't aware of it, CFSR
is the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis, while the NNRP is the older
NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Project.  We're using the 6-hour forecasts
(4x/day), choosing the WRF forcing option at:



First, I was wondering whether anybody has any particular advice or
impressions about using this data.  Any tricks or suggestions?  Can I
generally just use the same methodologies I've been using with NNRP


Second, the CFSR data only goes through 2010, but we need to have
analogous data going forward.  I've been told that I should use Climate
Forecast System Version 2 (CFSV2) data, available at:



The thing is, I'm not sure just how analogous these two datasets are.
It appears to me that while they use the same numerical model to
generate them, the CFSR is a reanalysis product (using maximal data
assimilation), while it _appears_ that the CFSV2 is a forecast product
(with only as much data assimilation as can be done while still
generating a forecast product).  Also, it's not clear to me that both
datasets have "WRF" options at the same resolutions.


My concern is that between differences in data assimilation and
resolutions between the two datasets, my results from CFSR and CFSV2
won't be directly comparable.  The goal is to develop climatologies
using CFSR results, and then use current CFSV2 results to determine


Does anybody have thoughts into the potential pitfalls I mention above,
and/or any other issues we might run into?






Mike Zulauf

Meteorologist, Lead Senior

Operational Meteorology 

Iberdrola Renewables

1125 NW Couch, Suite 700

Portland, OR 97209

Office: 503-478-6304  Cell: 503-913-0403


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