[Whi] Re: campaign for WHI?

whi at mailman.ucar.edu whi at mailman.ucar.edu
Thu Jan 17 12:23:13 MST 2008

Hi Joe -- this sounds great, just the sort of the WHI are interested  
in.  Only issue is, we have pretty much fully booked Hinode, Trace,  
SOHO, etc. for the WHI weeks (March 20-April 16 -- see http://ihy2007.org/WHI/targeted_plans.shtml) 

HOWEVER I can think of two ways around this (I like *2 best, but you  
could even consider doing both).

1) I assume you would want to make some observations at the Sun, and  
then a few days later look at their manifestation in the solar wind?   
What if you proposed to do your solar observations in the days  
immediately preceding WHI?  Then, most of the solar wind observations  
would in fact fall in the WHI time period.  Or alternatively, you  
could observe immediately after WHI, since the solar minimum Sun  
doesn't change much.

*2)  I just spoke to Scott Mcintosh, who is running the WHI JOP during  
the fourth week of WHI (April 10-16).  He is planning on observing  
quiet sun, and as he said himself (maybe not completely seriously)  
"one QS target is pretty much the same as another" -- so, he could  
basically choose his targets based on the information you give him  
about where the Earth's footpoint would be.  I suppose it is  
_possible_ that that footpoint would hit an AR or eq. c. hole rather  
than quiet sun -- but not particularly likely -- AND if so, it could  
be the target for the AR/eqCH Target of Opportunity JOPs we have  
waiting in the wings.

Take a look at Scott's detailed observing plans to see if it sounds  
like the sort of observations you would organize on the solar end.


One thing you should keep in mind either way - HInode needs  
approximately 72 hours advance warning of pointing, with the potential  
for a _minor_ update at 48 hours advance.  I don't know what sort of  
lead time your WSA prediction would give you, but this is worth being  
aware of in advance.

Let me know what you decide -- if you are planning to propose this as  
an independent JOP rather than tagging onto Scott's, please let me  
know, as it would probably be a good idea if I prepared Tero Sili  
(SOHO SOC) for the probability of another WHI JOP -- unfortunately you  
have just missed the SOHO SPWG monthly meeting (today), and Hinode HOP  
meeting (last week) so it would have to be considered in a month's  
time, at which point it might be considered a tad on the late side...  
For this reason, tagging onto Scott's might be the best plan.


Sarah Gibson
p.o. box 3000
Boulder, CO
303-497-1589 (fax)

On Jan 17, 2008, at 10:39 AM, Joseph Borovsky wrote:

> Dear Sarah and Barb,
> Maybe we are too late to become involved in WHI, but I think we have  
> a project that might fit in. The project is to look at structure in  
> the solar wind coordinated with structure on the sun. The temporal  
> structures of interest in the solar wind have timescales of about _  
> hour as they sweep past ACE and Wind; the structures on the sun are  
> magnetic-carpet filaments about the size of solar granules.
> Nick Arge and I are going to propose for telescope time for a number  
> of simultaneous observations of a small region of the sun, the  
> Earth's footpoint. The idea is to coordinate analysis of magnetic- 
> carpet observations, granulation observations, etc. with  
> observations of the solar wind that came from that region. The  
> footpoint location will be determined just prior to the telescope  
> observations by the Wang-Sheeley-Arge method. We are thinking of  
> Hinode, Trace, EIT high resolution, MDI, ground-based observation of  
> the photosphere, ground-based helium observations, and GONG. And  
> surely there are other observations that will be helpful.
> We are planning to propose for about 5 observing intervals that are  
> separated from each other by at least a day. We have not decided how  
> long the intervals need to be (probably depends on the instrument),  
> but 2 hours or less is anticipated.
> If you think we can fit into the WHI organization, please let us  
> know. Being a part of WHI would be a great help to our project.
>          Take care,
>                    Joe

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