[Whi] Two announcements

whi at mailman.ucar.edu whi at mailman.ucar.edu
Mon Jan 28 14:59:18 MST 2008

1)  SPD/SPA Session at AGU 2008 Joint Assembly, 27-30 May 2008, Fort  
Lauderdale,  Florida

First Results of the Whole Heliosphere Interval

The Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI) is an international coordinated  
observing and modeling effort to characterize the 3-dimensional  
interconnected solar-heliospheric-planetary system. It begins with  
data originating at the Sun during Carrington Rotation 2067: March 20  
- April 16, 2008.  WHI's science begins with the solar interior and  
extends through the heliosphere and interplanetary space out to the  
heliopause.  WHI is a special campaign period of the International  
Heliophysical Year, and involves the participation of many  
participating observatories and researchers around the world.  A  
"synoptic" set of observations will provide baseline measurements of  
the heliophysical system, while "targeted" observing campaigns during  
the WHI interval will focus on particular sub-regions of the coupled  
heliospheric system and address specific scientific questions via day- 
to-day coordinated observations. This special session will provide a  
broad description of the heliosphere at solar minimum by showcasing  
early results of the WHI campaign.  We invite contributions to this  
session from anyone involved in WHI observations, either targetted or  
synoptic, or modeling efforts.  For further details see: http://ihy2007.org/WHI/WHI.shtml 
, and to submit an abstract go to  http://www.agu.org/meetings/ja08/?content=program 


2)  Save the dates-- Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI) workshop,  
Boulder, Colorado, week of August 25-29, see


for updated information.

Sarah Gibson
p.o. box 3000
Boulder, CO
303-497-1589 (fax)

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