[Proflist] Invitation to SPIE Conference 408 on Remote Sensing System Engineering -

Ada Armstrong Ada.Armstrong at noaa.gov
Fri Jan 25 13:46:42 MST 2008

Dear Colleague,

The SPIE 2008 Annual Meeting will be held in San Diego, August 10-14,
2008. This year, the meeting will include a Remote Sensing System
Engineering Conference, and I encourage you to take a look at the
attached invitation and to consider submitting an abstract to the
Conference it you have relevant material.  I am a member of the Program
Committee, and the Conference Co-chairs Jeff Puschell and Phil Ardanuy
have both emphasized to me their desire to see topics such as methods
for establishing user requirements and data assimilation well covered at
the meeting. The deadline for submission is imminent (January 28), but
if you intend to submit an abstract and have trouble meeting it let me
know and I will work with the Co-chairs to accommodate you.


Ada Armstrong, for

Lars Peter Riishojgaard,
Director, Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation

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