[Proflist] Student visas: your input sought

Alan Robock robock at envsci.rutgers.edu
Mon Dec 15 14:43:45 MST 2003

Dear Bob,

We have had troubles with two students, one from China and one from 
India (Hindu, not Muslim), since 9/11.  Even though we wrote letters to 
the Embassy, they did not get visas.  Before that, we were always able 
to get visas for all the admitted students.  Neither was in atmospheric 

A Chinese student in atmospheric sciences was able to go home for a 
month and come back, with no problems.  Another will go home in a week, 
and I hope she makes it back.  So we have not noticed any particular 


Professor Alan Robock
  Editor, JGR - Atmospheres
  Director, Center for Environmental Prediction
Department of Environmental Sciences              Phone: +1-732-932-9478
Rutgers University                                  Fax: +1-732-932-8644
14 College Farm Road                   E-mail: robock at envsci.rutgers.edu
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551  USA      http://envsci.rutgers.edu/~robock

On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Bob Henson wrote:

> Have you had difficulty in getting new graduate students from foreign countries
> into the United States?  If so, how has the situation evolved for you and your
> department since September 11, 2001 and over the last few months?
> The UCAR Quarterly will be examining the student-visa situation in an upcoming
> article.  We would very much like your input.  Specific examples as well as
> general observations are both welcome.  We're especially interested in your
> opinion on whether visa roadblocks are affecting the atmospheric sciences as a
> whole.
> Please e-mail me your thoughts by Tuesday, 16 December (I'll be at AGU most of
> this week).  You'd have a chance to see any writeup before it goes to press.
> Thanks in advance for your feedback.
> --Bob Henson, bhenson at ucar.edu
> UCAR Communications
> 303-497-8605

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