[Proflist] Student visas: your input sought

William J. Gutowski gutowski at iastate.edu
Mon Dec 15 14:09:07 MST 2003

	I've noticed a gender difference:  Chinese women seem to get 
visas, Chinese men don't.  Can you tell us if you encountered that 


>Dear Bob,
>We have had troubles with two students, one from China and one from
>India (Hindu, not Muslim), since 9/11.  Even though we wrote letters to
>the Embassy, they did not get visas.  Before that, we were always able
>to get visas for all the admitted students.  Neither was in atmospheric
>A Chinese student in atmospheric sciences was able to go home for a
>month and come back, with no problems.  Another will go home in a week,
>and I hope she makes it back.  So we have not noticed any particular
>Professor Alan Robock
>   Editor, JGR - Atmospheres
>   Director, Center for Environmental Prediction
>Department of Environmental Sciences              Phone: +1-732-932-9478
>Rutgers University                                  Fax: +1-732-932-8644
>14 College Farm Road                   E-mail: robock at envsci.rutgers.edu
>New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551  USA      http://envsci.rutgers.edu/~robock
>On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Bob Henson wrote:
>>  Have you had difficulty in getting new graduate students from 
>>foreign countries
>>  into the United States?  If so, how has the situation evolved for 
>>you and your
>>  department since September 11, 2001 and over the last few months?
>>  The UCAR Quarterly will be examining the student-visa situation in 
>>an upcoming
>>  article.  We would very much like your input.  Specific examples as well as
>>  general observations are both welcome.  We're especially interested in your
>>  opinion on whether visa roadblocks are affecting the atmospheric 
>>sciences as a
>>  whole.
>>  Please e-mail me your thoughts by Tuesday, 16 December (I'll be at 
>>AGU most of
>>  this week).  You'd have a chance to see any writeup before it goes to press.
>>  Thanks in advance for your feedback.
>>  --Bob Henson, bhenson at ucar.edu
>>  UCAR Communications
>>  303-497-8605
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| William J. Gutowski                                             |
* 3021 Agronomy                                                   *
| Dept. of Geological and                                         |
*    Atmospheric Sciences                 gutowski at iastate.edu    *
| Dept. of Agronomy                       Tel:  (515) 294-5632    |
* Iowa State University                   Fax:  (515) 294-2619    *
| Ames, Iowa  50011-1010                                          |
*  http://www.ge-at.iastate.edu                                   *
|  http://www.pircs.iastate.edu            		          |

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