[ncl-talk] Drawing Economic Zones derived from netcdf file

Dave Allured - NOAA Affiliate dave.allured at noaa.gov
Wed Oct 18 06:25:51 MDT 2023

Converting a grid of classification data into outlines is possible with
custom code, but it would produce blocky outlines.  NCL's missing value
perimeter lines use this outline algorithm.  You may be able to force NCL
to draw these perimeter lines as overlays, one at a time for each zone.
You could also do this with fully custom code, stepping through all grid
cells and erasing shared cell boundaries.

Your zone map might be based on a more normally drawn original zone map.  I
suggest looking into the origins of the Netcdf zone map, to see whether
there might be an outline shapefile available, or something like it.  That
would look good as an overlay on a temperature contour map.

On Wed, Oct 18, 2023 at 3:10 AM Jonathan Buzan via ncl-talk <
ncl-talk at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:

> Hi NCL-Talk,
> I am attempting to draw a the borders for economic zones on top of my
> temperature data. The Economic Zones map is the same resolution as the
> temperature file. The values for the economic zones are 1-16. I was looking
> through the map outlines page, but I don’t see anything that takes a netcdf
> file and converts that data into borders.
> Perhaps NCL users know a method?
> Thanks,
> -Jonathan
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