[ncl-talk] Suppress "attempt to fix non-monotonic aggregation variable"

Joseph Clark jpclark186000 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 22 15:26:32 MDT 2022

Hi NCL users,

I am using NCL version 6.3.0.  I have a line like,

*variable = ncfile[:]->varname*

I get the following error,

*warning:error attempting to fix non-monotonic aggregation variable*
I understand exactly what the error is saying, but I do not want the
concatenation to change the ordering of the leftmost dimension. It is the
correct order. I know I could make a change to the netcdf files to have a
time array and time unit that NCL understands is proper order.

* However, it would be simplest if NCL did not "attempt to fix
non-monotonic aggregation variable" opting instead to ignore what the order
of the time array is. Is there a way to tell NCL to ignore the
non-monotonicity? *

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