[ncl-talk] Question on blending two datasets for merged analysis

Andrew Kren - NOAA Federal andrew.kren at noaa.gov
Thu Oct 6 19:49:57 MDT 2022

Hi there,

This question may not have an answer. I have not been able to find an
answer online so I thought I would ask.

I have an irregular set of data of 1D lat/lon data of some variable, call
it precipitation observations from metar sites. I regrid this data using
ESMF onto a 0.1 degree grid as similar in NCL examples. This works fine,
but at the edges, as expected, there is no data so the contour plot is
sharp/jagged (see attached figure). I would like to merge this regridded
data with an observational precipitation dataset, call it grib files of
AHPS precipitation, over a similar period.

My question is, is there a way to merge these two datasets to get a blended
analysis so that the resulting contour analysis is smooth and defined in
all counties?



Andrew Kren
NOAA's National Weather Service
Raleigh Forecast Office
1005 Capability Drive, Suite 300
Raleigh, North Carolina 27606
voice: 919-326-1035
mailto: andrew.kren at noaa.govhttp://www.weather.gov/rah
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