[ncl-talk] Computing geopotential height

markus.mingel at libero.it markus.mingel at libero.it
Mon Nov 14 05:42:27 MST 2022

Hi All,

I am trying to derive the geopotential height of a given CMIP6 model from its air temperature and humidity. 

Firstly, I compute the geopotential in the native hybrid coordinates using the NCL function cz2ccm, then I interpolate the just computed geopotential to some pressure levels using vinth2p_ecmwf.

The comparison of the geopotential computed with my script (attached) with the zg downloaded from ESGF shows large differences, so I was wondering if anyone could suggest me what's wrong in my script? 

Besides, when the variable phis (surface geopotential (m^2/sec^2)) is not available as input, which values I should use? Is it possible to compute it in anyway with NCL?

Thanks into advance for help,



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