[ncl-talk] can't read variable correctly

xyzheng at mail.ustc.edu.cn xyzheng at mail.ustc.edu.cn
Wed May 20 22:50:41 MDT 2020

I met a problem about data reading. 

In the file:2008166021843_11326_CS_MOD06-1KM-AUX_GRANULE_P1_R05_E02_F00.hdf( The file was uploaded to ftp.cgd.ucar.edu.), I find the variable which is named "Cloud_top_temperature_1km_add_offset" is actually an one-dimensional array, but it is recognized as a scale when I read the file as a hdfeos file using NCL. I don't know how to read it correctly.

The corresponding scripts are as follows:
var = "Cloud_top_temperature_1km_add_offset_MOD06_1KM_AUX"

Thanks a lot
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