[ncl-talk] wind_speed: dimension size mismatch

Rashed Mahmood rashidcomsis at gmail.com
Thu Jan 16 11:33:19 MST 2020

Hi Borja,
Could you please send a couple of wrf files and a clean script as
attachment? Without more information it would just be a "guessing" by the
community which is hard to do.
What does printVarSummary(u) and printVarSummary(v) suggest? At which line
number error occurred? I "guess" that at some point inside the loop, either
u or v may be missing, but then again I cannot be sure without running your

On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 8:34 AM Borja Sas González via ncl-talk <
ncl-talk at ucar.edu> wrote:

> I have another wrfout file, which is called wrfzl, the difference is that
> heights are what I enter. Instead of the variable U is U_ZL and instead of
> V is V_ZL, but basically they are the same. In that case the script works
> correctly, that's why I can't find the error as much as I'm looking for.
> What is indicated in the CSV is that in wspd it is written for all hours,
> at the height that I want (0-27), for the indicated latitude and longitude.
> El jue., 16 ene. 2020 a las 15:01, Barry Lynn (<barry.h.lynn at gmail.com>)
> escribió:
>> Hi:
>> You should compare what you see in the printVarSummary with how you are
>> indexing your csv table write.  For instanc,e there are three dimensions in
>> wspd.  Do they match what you are writing?
>> On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 3:01 PM Borja Sas González <saszalez at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> printVarSummary prints:
>>> Variable: wspd
>>> Type: float
>>> Total Size: 20601540 bytes
>>>             5150385 values
>>> Number of Dimensions: 3
>>> Dimensions and sizes: [Time | 785] x [south_north | 81] x [west_east |
>>> 81]
>>> Coordinates:
>>> Number Of Attributes: 2
>>>   units : m s-1
>>>   long_name : wind speed
>>> El jue., 16 ene. 2020 a las 12:41, Barry Lynn (<barry.h.lynn at gmail.com>)
>>> escribió:
>>>> Hello:
>>>> A most important step is to do a printVarSummary of the variables you
>>>> with to write to the table and to see (compare) if you are referencing them
>>>> correctly (which it appears you are not).
>>>> Barry
>>>> On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 2:27 PM Borja Sas González via ncl-talk <
>>>> ncl-talk at ucar.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone. I am trying to put in a CSV file the wind speed and
>>>>> direction for level 1 of the out file of the WRF output. I have reviewed
>>>>> the script a thousand times, but I can't find where the error is. The
>>>>> answer that prints me is:
>>>>> (0) wind_speed: dimension size mismatch
>>>>> (0)         u: 1000
>>>>> (1)         u: 27
>>>>> (2)         u: 81
>>>>> (3)         u: 82
>>>>> (0)         v: 1000
>>>>> (1)         v: 27
>>>>> (2)         v: 82
>>>>> (3)         v: 81
>>>>> The script is:
>>>>> begin
>>>>> ; Abrir archivos
>>>>> files = systemfunc("ls /home/ssd/begur/WRF/test/em_real/wrfout_d03_*")
>>>>> + ".nc"
>>>>> a = addfiles(files,"r")
>>>>> ; Definir latitud y longitud
>>>>> lat = 41.935165
>>>>> lon = 3.158911
>>>>> ; Opciones del encabezado
>>>>> csv_filename = "wind_levels.csv"
>>>>> system("rm -f " + csv_filename)
>>>>> fields = (/"TIME","WIND SPEED (m/s)","WIND DIRECTION (º)"/)
>>>>> ; Crear encabezado
>>>>> dq = str_get_dq()
>>>>> fields = dq + fields + dq
>>>>> header = [/str_join(fields,",")/]
>>>>> ; Formato de escritura de las variables
>>>>> format = "%s,%g,%g,%g,%g" ; Para escribir sin espacios
>>>>> ; Crea el archivo con el encabezado
>>>>> write_table(csv_filename,"w",header,"%s")
>>>>> ; Para leer archivo por archivo
>>>>> nfiles = dimsizes(files)
>>>>> ; Bucle archivo por archivo
>>>>> do nf = 0,nfiles-1
>>>>> ; Localización del punto más próximo
>>>>> opt = True ; Devuelve la coordenada entera
>>>>> loc := wrf_user_ll_to_xy(a[nf],lon,lat,opt) ; Pasa lon/lat a xy más
>>>>> próximo
>>>>> ; Coordenadas para las variables
>>>>> lat2 = loc(1) ; Latitud para las variables
>>>>> lon2 = loc(0) ; Longitud para las variables
>>>>> ; Velocidad del viento a los niveles establecidos
>>>>> u := wrf_user_getvar(a[nf],"U",-1)
>>>>> v := wrf_user_getvar(a[nf],"V",-1)
>>>>> wspd := wind_speed(u,v)
>>>>> wspd = decimalPlaces(wspd,2,True)
>>>>> ; Dirección del viento a los niveles establecidos
>>>>> wdir := wind_direction(u,v,0)
>>>>> ; Loop temporal
>>>>> times := wrf_user_getvar(a[nf],"times",-1)
>>>>> ntimes = dimsizes(times)
>>>>> ; Bucle temporal
>>>>> do it = 0,ntimes-1
>>>>> ; Crea el archivo CSV con las variables
>>>>> alist = [/times(it),wspd(it,0,lat2,lon2),wdir(it,0,lat2,lon2)/]
>>>>> write_table(csv_filename,"a",alist,format)
>>>>> end do
>>>>> end do
>>>>> end
>>>>> If anyone can help me I appreciate it.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Borja Sas González
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>>>> --
>>>> Barry H. Lynn, Ph.D
>>>> Senior Associate Scientist, Lecturer,
>>>> The Institute of the Earth Science,
>>>> The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
>>>> Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
>>>> Tel: 972 547 231 170
>>>> Fax: (972)-25662581
>>>> C.E.O, Weather It Is, LTD
>>>> Weather and Climate Focus
>>>> http://weather-it-is.com
>>>> Jerusalem, Israel
>>>> Local: 02 930 9525
>>>> Cell: 054 7 231 170
>>>> Int-IS: x972 2 930 9525
>>> --
>>> Borja Sas González
>> --
>> Barry H. Lynn, Ph.D
>> Senior Associate Scientist, Lecturer,
>> The Institute of the Earth Science,
>> The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
>> Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
>> Tel: 972 547 231 170
>> Fax: (972)-25662581
>> C.E.O, Weather It Is, LTD
>> Weather and Climate Focus
>> http://weather-it-is.com
>> Jerusalem, Israel
>> Local: 02 930 9525
>> Cell: 054 7 231 170
>> Int-IS: x972 2 930 9525
> --
> Borja Sas González
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> ncl-talk mailing list
> ncl-talk at ucar.edu
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