[ncl-talk] Writing data to netcdf file

zilore mumba zmumba at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 25 05:07:09 MDT 2019

Hello,I have two simple questions to which I hope I can get a quick fix1. I have calculated annual means of monthly sea level pressure from the file SLP.1979_2003.nc found on the ncl dataset list, using the c0de:begin  f=addfile("SLP.1979_2003.nc","r")  p=f->slp(:,:,:)
  P197903_ym = month_to_annual(p,1)end
When I run the above code, there is no error, but then nothing happens. I was expecting to see a file named P197903_ymP197903_ym. When I run the code interactively, and print(P197903_ym) I can see the annual means.
I have seen efficient and efficient ways of writing data to netcdf file. Is there a simple line for writing the output to file? Sorry I have not checked the archives
2. I am plotting a contour map with colored contours. I am using 
res at cnLineColors ="toint(fspan(2,240,20))"
What do the numbers 2,240,20 mean. I have searched every where I cannot find. I know I can use e.g. "Rainbow"

Thank you very much for any assistance.

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