[ncl-talk] regrid problem (fill value for output)

LSL lslrsgis at whu.edu.cn
Mon Mar 11 04:59:16 MDT 2019

Dear NCL community,

I am using ncl ESMF_regrid function to convert projection from (1) 
latlon to (2) wrf lambert.

The purpose is to compare (1) Observation (latlon projection/rectilinear 
grids in .txt file) with (2) Simulation (lambert projection/curvilinear 
grids in .nc file).

However, the regrid output is all fill value -9999. Illustration map for 
one day 20150106, log file, and source code is attached. Anyone can give 
indications? Thanks very much.


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; ESMF_regrid_19.ncl
; Concepts illustrated:
;   - Interpolating from one grid to another using ESMF_regrid
;   - Interpolating data from HOMME unstructured grid to a POP grid
; This example uses ESMF regridding software to regrid data on a
; HOMME unstructured grid to a POP gx1v3 grid (384 x 320).
; This script uses ESMF regridding functions that are only available in 
; NCL V6.1.0-beta and later.
; These files are loaded by default in NCL V6.2.0 and newer
; load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
; load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
; load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
; This file still has to be loaded manually
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/esmf/ESMF_regridding.ncl"


;--Read in files
;  flnm="SURF_CLI_CHN_PRE_DAY_GRID_0.5-"+20150622+".txt"

  days = (/31,days_in_feb,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31,31/)
  matrix_prep   = new((/72,128/),float)
  matrix_prep at _FillValue=-9999.0
  matrix_lat    = new((/72,128/),float)
  matrix_lon    = new((/72,128/),float)

;--Generate lat/lon matrix
  lat=fspan(18.25, 53.75, 72)
;  print(lat)
;  print(lon)

   do iROW=1,72
   end do

   do iCOL=1,128
   end do

;--Loop through year/month/day
  do iYY=2015,2015
;	do iMM=1,6
	do iMM=1,1
;            nDD=1
;            do iDD=1,nDD
             do iDD=6,6
	       sYY=tostring_with_format(iYY, "%4.4d")
	       sMM=tostring_with_format(iMM, "%2.2d")
               sDD=tostring_with_format(iDD, "%2.2d")
               ;  flnm="SURF_CLI_CHN_PRE_DAY_GRID_0.5-"+20150622+".txt"
               flnm = "SURF_CLI_CHN_PRE_DAY_GRID_0.5-"+sYY+sMM+sDD+".txt"
               print("Now is processing FILE "+flnm+"....................")
               strs = asciiread(DIR+flnm,-1,"string")
               ;  print(strs)

               ;==Read Precipitation TXT File==============================
		  do iROW=1,72
		    delim = " "
		    nfields = str_fields_count(strs_data(0), delim)
		    do iCOL=1,128
		;      printVarSummary(str_get_field(strs_data, iCOL, delim))
		 ;     printVarSummary(nfields)
		 ;     print(matrix_prep(:,iCOL-1))
		      matrix_prep(:,iCOL-1) = stringtofloat(str_get_field(strs_data, iCOL, delim))
		 ;     print(matrix_prep)
		    end do
		  end do

               ;==Read Precipitation WRF File==============================
               ;XLAT, XLONG

	    dst_minlat = min(XLAT)   ; Used for plotting later.
	    dst_maxlat = max(XLAT)
	    dst_minlon = min(XLON)
	    dst_maxlon = max(XLON)

               ;==Regrid lat/lon to WRF
	;---Set up regridding options
	    Opt                = True
            interp_method      = "bilinear"
;            interp_method      = "neareststod"
            wgt_file           = "latlon_lambert.nc"

	;---"bilinear" is the default. "patch" and "conserve" are other options.
	    Opt at InterpMethod     = interp_method
	    Opt at WgtFileName      = wgt_file

	    Opt at SrcGridLat       = matrix_lat
	    Opt at SrcGridLon       = matrix_lon
	    Opt at SrcInputFileName = flnm
	    dst_dims             = (/62,91/)     ; Fortran ordering
            wrf_dims = tostring(dimsizes(matrix_lat))
            mm5_dims = tostring(dimsizes(XLAT))
	    Opt at DstGridLat       = XLAT
	    Opt at DstGridLon       = XLON
;	    Opt at DstMask2D        = reshape(dfile->mask_b,dst_dims)

	    Opt at ForceOverwrite   = True
	    Opt at Debug            = True
	    Opt at PrintTimings     = True

            var=matrix_prep(::-1,:)               ; Reverse matrix
	    var_regrid = ESMF_regrid(var,Opt)     ; Do the regridding

	; Code to plot the original and regridded data in a panel plot.
	    var at lat2d = matrix_lat     ; Needed for plotting. "var_regrid" 
	    var at lon2d = matrix_lon     ; already has these attrs attached.

	    wks = gsn_open_wks("png","/home/lsl/Downloads/EXPR/Scripts/ESMF_regrid_"+sYY+sMM+sDD) ; send graphics to PNG file

	    res                     = True          ; Plot mods desired.

	;---General resources
	    res at gsnDraw             = False         ; We will panel later.
	    res at gsnFrame            = False
	    res at gsnMaximize         = True          ; Maximize plot
	;---Contour and labelbar resources
	    res at cnFillOn            = True          ; Color plot desired.
	    res at cnLinesOn           = False         ; Turn off contour lines.
	    res at cnLineLabelsOn      = False         ; Turn off contour labels.
	    res at lbLabelBarOn        = False         ; Labelbar will be in panel.
	    res at gsnAddCyclic        = False         ; Data is regional.

	;---Map resources
	    res at mpDataBaseVersion      = "MediumRes"
	    res at mpFillOn               = False
	    res at mpOutlineBoundarySets  = "AllBoundaries"
	    res at mpUSStateLineColor     = "gray"
	    res at mpGeophysicalLineColor = "gray"
	    res at mpNationalLineColor    = "gray"

	;---Zoom in on map
	    res at mpMinLatF              = dst_minlat-0.03   ; Leave a little bit
	    res at mpMinLonF              = dst_minlon-0.03   ; of a margin.
	    res at mpMaxLatF              = dst_maxlat+0.03
	    res at mpMaxLonF              = dst_maxlon+0.03

	;---Titles and tickmarks
	    res at pmTickMarkDisplayMode  = True              ; Better tickmarks
	    res at tmYROn                 = False
	    res at tmXTOn                 = False

	    res at tmXBLabelFontHeightF   = 0.01
	    res at tmYLLabelFontHeightF   = 0.01

	    res at gsnLeftString          = ""
	    res at gsnRightString         = ""
	    res at tiMainFontHeightF      = 0.020
	    res at tiMainOffsetYF         = -0.02   ; move closer to plot
	    res at gsnStringFontHeightF   = 0.015

	;---Resources for paneling
	    pres                  = True

; Loop through each level and create a panel plot comparing
; the original data against the regridded data.
; Note that each set of plots has a different colorbar,
; depending on the min/max of the data at that level.
; If you are plotting across time, or, if you want the same
; color bar for each level, set SAME_COLORBAR = True.

    if(SAME_COLORBAR) then
      mnmxint = nice_mnmxintvl( min(var_regrid), max(var_regrid), 18, False)
      res at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"
      res at cnMinLevelValF       = mnmxint(0)
      res at cnMaxLevelValF       = mnmxint(1)
      res at cnLevelSpacingF      = mnmxint(2)
    end if

    nlev = 1
    do i=0,nlev-1
      res at tiMainString = "Regridded data (" + \
                         str_join(mm5_dims," x ") + ")"
      if(var_ndims.eq.2) then 
        plot_regrid = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,var_regrid,res)
      else if(var_ndims.eq.3) then 
 ;       level = p(i,0,0)
        print("level = " + level)
        plot_regrid = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,var_regrid(i,:,:),res)
      end if
      end if

;---Make sure same contours levels are used for both plots.
      if(.not.SAME_COLORBAR) then
        getvalues plot_regrid at contour
          "cnLevels" : levels
        end getvalues

        res at cnLevels             = levels
        res at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"
      end if

      res at tiMainString = "Original data (" + \
                          str_join(wrf_dims," x ") + ")"
      if(var_ndims.eq.2) then 
        plot_orig = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,var,res)     
      else if(var_ndims.eq.3) then 
        plot_orig = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,var(i,:,:),res)     
      end if
      end if

      if(var_ndims.eq.2) then 
;        pres at gsnPanelMainString = var at description + " (" + var at units + ")"
        pres at gsnPanelMainString = sYY+sMM+sDD
        pres at gsnPanelMainString = var at description + " (" + var at units + ")" + \
                        " (level=" + level + " " + p at units + ")"
      end if

;---Clean up before next time in loop.
      if(.not.SAME_COLORBAR) then
 ;       delete(levels)
        delete(res at cnLevelSelectionMode)
        delete(res at cnLevels)
      end if
    end do

            end do
       end do
  end do



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